Quotes Paulo Coelho - page 4
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When the Warrior takes on a commitment, he keeps his word.
When he wins the battle, the Warrior celebrates.
The Warrior tries to enjoy the small everyday things of life.
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A Warrior of the Light does not accept gifts from his enemy.
Often, warriors find their lives meaningless.
Like the fighter, the Warrior is aware of his own immense strength; he never fights with anyone who does not deserve the honor of combat.
Each Warrior of the Light contains within him the spark of God.
Sometimes the Warrior feels as if he were living two lives at once.

A Warrior of the Light cannot always choose his battlefield.
The Warrior is terrified when making important decisions.
A Warrior never accepts what is unacceptable.
The Warrior of the Light never forgets the old saying: The good little goat doesn't bleat.
At the beginning of his struggle, the Warrior says: "I have dreams.
Yesterday's pain is the Warrior of the Light's strength.
Sometimes Evil pursues the Warrior of the Light, and when it does, he calmly invites it into his tent.
To engage in any activity, the warrior needs to know what to expect, how to achieve the objective and whether or not he is capable of carrying out the proposed task.
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In the intervals between battles, the Warrior rests.