Top Patriotic Quotes to Inspire Love for Country - page 2

The true test of a patriot is his unwavering loyalty to his country.
Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.
Charles de Gaulle
Patriotism is not just about fighting for your country, it's about fighting for its values.
Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country.
A true patriot understands that freedom is not free.
A true patriot is always looking out for the interests of his fellow citizens.
Patriotism is not just about blind loyalty, it's about critical thinking.
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

Patriotism is not just about pride, it's about humility too.
I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
Nathan Hale
Patriotism is the spark that ignites the flame of national pride.
A true patriot understands that every action counts.
Patriotism is not just a feeling, it's a way of life.
Patriotism is not just about celebrating your country's victories, it's about acknowledging its flaws.
Patriotism is not just about the national anthem, it's about the stories of the people behind it.
The love of one's country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border?
Pablo Casals

The essence of America - that which really unites us - is not ethnicity, or nationality, or religion - it is an idea - and what an idea it is: that you can come from humble circumstances and do great things.
Patriotism is not just about words, it's about actions.