Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 76

One of the most powerful wellsprings of creative energy, outstanding accomplishment, and self-fulfillment seems to be falling in love with something - your dreams, your image of the future.
One of the most powerful wellsprings of creative energy, outstanding accomplishment, and self-fulfillment seems to be falling in love with something - your dreams, your image of the future.
 Ellis Paul Torrance
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
 Jane Goodall
The ability to provide choices and the right to make choices that prove not detrimental, are the fundamental ingredients of free trade and independence.
 John Truman Stoddert
A women who doesn't wear perfume has no future.
 Coco Chanel
What a man calls his 'conscience' is merely the mental action that follows a sentimental reaction after too much wine or love.
 Helen Rowland
We empower ourselves every time we accept responsibility for choosing the thoughts and feelings we act on.
 Karan Casey
I might have a little bit of cellulite. I might not be toned everywhere. I might struggle in this area or that. But accepting that just empowers me.
 Kim Kardashian
You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it's better to listen to what it has to say.
Do you like him much?" "I told you I liked him a little. Where is the use of caring for him so very much: he is full of faults." "Is he?" "All boys are." "More than girls?" "Very likely.
What do girls do who haven\'t any mothers to help them through their troubles?
What do girls do who haven't any mothers to help them through their troubles?
 Louisa May Alcott
I can feel very brave through all the action scenes in front of the people who are on the set, but when a girl comes close to me my face turns red because I'm so shy.
 Jet Li
If a girl wears a shirt and a skirt, does she become more sensuous? I think a girl in a sari is more sensuous than a girl in a skirt. In my opinion, a wet sari is the most sensuous.
 Bipasha Basu
There is, first, the desire for strength, for achievement, for adequacy, for confidence in the face of the world, and for independence and freedom. Secondly, we have what we may call the desire for reputation or prestige
 Abraham Maslow
You get to a certain age and it really occurs to you: "My mother and my father will not always be here. My spouse or my girlfriend or boyfriend are here right now, but someday they won't be." You realize that you need to like yourself.
 Angel Olsen
There is no power in the world that can stop the forward march of free men and women when they are joined in the solidarity of human brotherhood.
 Walter Reuther
The divine power moves with difficulty, but at the same time surely.
We liberate our nation's heart inside of Indonesian independence!! Ibn Saud liberated Arabian's heart inside of Saudi Arabian independence one by one!! Stalin liberated Soviet-Russian's heart inside of Soviet one by one!!
I'll dig in into my days, having come here to live, not to visit. Grey is the price of neighboring with eagles, of knowing a mountain's vast presence, seen or unseen.
 Denise Levertov
A true gentleman never leaves his lady.
A true gentleman never leaves his lady.
 Alessandro Del Piero
There are four great measures for my administration - a reduction of tariff, an independent treasury, settlement of the Oregon boundary and acquisition of California.
 James K. Polk