Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 148

To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can\'t just accept the ones you like.
To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can't just accept the ones you like.
 Mike Kafka
Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight.
 Lance Armstrong
To Him I owe my life and breath, And all the joys I have; He makes me triumph over death, And saves me from the grave.
 Samuel Stennett
Good writing does not succeed or fail on the strength of its ability to persuade. It succeeds or fails on the strength of its ability to engage you, to make you think, to give you a glimpse into someone else's head.
These younger kids - I think growing up with social media, they're just savvy.
 John Stamos
I can see nothing," said I, handing it back to my friend. "On the contrary, Watson, you can see everything. You fail, however, to reason from what you see. You are too timid in drawing your inferences.
The trouble with women is, that when they grow up, they turn into their mothers. The trouble with men is, that they don't.
Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
They like my books better in England than in France; a translation would be very successful there.
They like my books better in England than in France; a translation would be very successful there.
I had so many unsold murder pictures lying around my room...I felt as if I were renting out a wing of the City Morgue.
The thing one resents about winter is its inactivity; the perpetual sameness of ice-armored hills and snow-blanketed woods. Great things, of course, may be going on underneath; but nature wears a mask, is icily non-committal.
 Anne Bosworth Greene
Wisdom. . .is knowing what you have to accept.
 Wallace Stegner
I didn't grow up in church. I had no concept of God - existence, I - the name Jesus was synonymous with tooth fairy and Santa Claus.
 Paula White
Imagination allows you to think of the journey worth making. Motivation gets you started. But, it's patience and perseverance that get you there.
 Ernie J Zelinski
As the contest proceeded, public interest increased and the entire country watched to see which company would win the big government subsidies through the mountains.
 John Moody
Part of growing up is just taking what you learn from that and moving on and not taking it to heart.
 Beverley Mitchell
I think that the main thing that you can learn from watching 'The Spectacular Now' is just learning about growing up and moving on.
 Kaitlyn Dever
I thought you were all-seeing. All-knowing, not all-seeing! he snapped. I’m a God, not Santa Claus!
I thought you were all-seeing. All-knowing, not all-seeing! he snapped. I’m a God, not Santa Claus!
 Kelley Armstrong
Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats.