Powerful Warrior Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Strength - page 82

The women working at abortion clinics are really on the front lines and the true heroes of feminism.
The women working at abortion clinics are really on the front lines and the true heroes of feminism.
 Betty Dodson
In beloved Iraq, blood is flowing between brothers, in the shadow of an illegitimate foreign occupation, and abhorrent sectarianism threatens a civil war.
 Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Without free, self-respecting, and autonomous citizens there can be no free and independent nations. Without internal peace, that is, peace among citizens and between the citizens and the state, there can be no guarantee of external peace.
 Vaclav Havel
Easy come, easy go... "Achieve-everything-while-doing-nothing" schemes don't work, they are just not logical
 Amos Bronson Alcott
One of the problems of other MMOs combat is that you often have scenarios where you have multiple heroes beating on a single enemy. That just isn't very Heroic
 James Ohlen
It isn't for the moment you are struck that you need courage, but for that long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security.
 Anne Morrow Lindbergh
The full value of this life can only be got by fighting; the violent take it by storm. And if we have accepted everything we have missed something - war. This life of ours is a very enjoyable fight, but a very miserable truce.
From 8,000 miles away... I would not judge a fellow soldier from a friendly nation and how they are employing their resources.
 Peter Pace
When I look round to see how we can win the war, I see that there is only one sure path . . . and that is absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland.
Ronnie Barker was a straightforward man who had this extraordinary ability to make the nation laugh
Ronnie Barker was a straightforward man who had this extraordinary ability to make the nation laugh
 Michael Palin
What sort of champion would I be if I just stayed in my normal weight division and didn't take the big challenges on? Bring them on, that's what Ricky Hatton's all about.
 Ricky Hatton
An encouraged person will eventually get his drive from encouragement; he becomes more dependent. A person that never really receives encouragement learns to move out of spite; he becomes more independent.
Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach.
The Four Oaths: Never be late with respect to the way of the warrior; be useful to the lord; be respectful to your parents; get beyond love and grief: exist for the good of man.
 Yamamoto Tsunetomo
I have heard of bloggers who don't accept awards. I accept them with open arms...why not? When we spread the love and gratitude around, we have more love and gratitude to give.
 Katherine Jenkins
The trials on the road to world harmony are no greater than the courage of those who accept the challenge.
 Carl Lewis
Do not keep silent when your own ideas and values are being attacked. If a dictatorship ever comes to this country, it will be by the fault of those who keep silent. We are still free enough to speak. Do we have time? No one can tell.
Every hero is a Samson. The strong man succumbs to the intrigues of the weak and the many; and if in the end he loses all patience he crushes both them and himself.
The force that propels the human spirit on the clear way forward and upward is the abstract spirit.
The force that propels the human spirit on the clear way forward and upward is the abstract spirit.
 Wassily Kandinsky
The great and abiding lesson of American history, particularly the Cold War, is that the engine of capitalism - the individual - is mightier than any collective.
 Rand Paul