Powerful Warrior Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Strength - page 146

A woman is a warrior too. But she is meant to be a warrior in a uniquely feminine way. Sometime before the sorrows of life did their best to kill it in us, most young women wanted to be a part of something grand, something important.
A woman is a warrior too. But she is meant to be a warrior in a uniquely feminine way. Sometime before the sorrows of life did their best to kill it in us, most young women wanted to be a part of something grand, something important.
 Stasi Eldredge
Everyone feels fear. What a samurai or warrior is, is what you do when you feel fear.
 Enson Inoue
The nature of the new war places a high premium on other factors, such as the ability to quickly obtain information from captured terrorists and their sponsors in order to avoid further atrocities against American civilians.
 Alberto Gonzales
How heroic to be able to suppress one's vanity to the extent of confessing that the game is too hard.
 Alice James
I never received any encouragement. My father would work nights and my mother would work during the day. We were expected to get a job with a trade.
 Ozzy Osbourne
Mother Teresa was brilliant. She said, I will never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me. She knew. She understood the secret. Look what she manifested in the world.
Nothing is more difficult to accomplish than changing outward actions without changing inward feelings.
We dream forever unless we awaken. We move from one dream to another, some beautiful, some we're the hero or the heroine, some horrible, some nonsensical, some boring.
You know, [women] do not really condemn any weakness: rather, they try to humiliate or disarm our strengths. That is why women arethe reward, not of the warrior, but of the criminal.
There is still nothing like equality for women in jobs, in family. There\'s just an awareness that inequality is not acceptable.
There is still nothing like equality for women in jobs, in family. There's just an awareness that inequality is not acceptable.
 Alix Kates Shulman
Situational variables can exert powerful influences over human behavior, more so that we recognize or acknowledge.
 Philip Zimbardo
It's the primordial characters [of the Star Wars]. It's the beautiful princess and the callow youth and the smartass that I played and the wise old warrior that Alec Guinness played. And it was a fairy tale. It was a fairy tale.
 Harrison Ford
The ability of a country to wage war is not an accurate measure of its strengths, but of its fears.
 Derek R. Audette
I hadn't even dreamed of getting another Academy Award, and there I was unhappy in my private life and miserable, I remember Odets drove me three times around the Biltmore, where the Oscars were given out, because I was so full of tears.
 Anna Held
A warrior feeds his body well; he trains it; works on it. Where he lacks knowledge, he studies. But above all he must believe. He must believe in his strength of will, of purpose, of heart and soul.
 David Gemmell
I hope to continue my work, winning championships with my club. The acknowledgement comes naturally for those who deserve it.
You can imagine what a trip this is for a Jewish girl from Great Neck-I get to win an Academy Award and meet Elizabeth Taylor at the same time.
 Julia Phillips
My mum Margaret was a single parent, but though life was a bit of a struggle she gave me every encouragement.
 Ashley Jensen
A warrior takes his lot, whatever it may be, and accepts it in ultimate humbleness. He accepts in humbleness what he is, not as a grounds for regret but as a living challenge.