Powerful Warrior Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Strength - page 139

...I never heard him abuse an enemy. Some of the cruel things said about President Lincoln, particularly in the North, used to pierce him to the heart; but never in my presence did he evince a revengeful disposition.
...I never heard him abuse an enemy. Some of the cruel things said about President Lincoln, particularly in the North, used to pierce him to the heart; but never in my presence did he evince a revengeful disposition.
 Ulysses S. Grant
Old man, 40 years old against young hungry man from Great Britain!
 Vitali Klitschko
Plenty and peace breed cowards; hardness ever of hardiness is mother.
The moment that he begins to walk along it, the warrior of the light recognizes the path.
As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.
 Allen West
He was a graduate of West Point, which is military academy that turns young men into homicidal maniacs for use in war.
For all their faults, right-wing authoritarian regimes more easily accept democratic reforms than left-wing totalitarian states.
 Jeane Kirkpatrick
To the good warrior soundeth "thou shalt" pleasanter than "I will." And all that is dear unto you, ye shall first have it commanded unto you.
Rick Perry said America's revolutionary war was fought in the 16th century. When told it was actually the 18th century, Perry apologized and said, 'I never said I was a geology major.'
 Conan O'Brien
Those who kept their sanity and humanity intact in the face of awful adversity. Heroes named and unnamed, some known only to God.
Those who kept their sanity and humanity intact in the face of awful adversity. Heroes named and unnamed, some known only to God.
 Silvia Cartwright
Ideas must work through the brains and the arms of good and brave men or they are no better than dreams.
I said that I was gonna smash him in three rounds, and that's what I did.
 David Haye
A hero is a man who does what he can.
 Romain Rolland
The Executive should be able to repel and not to commence war.
 Roger Sherman
You don't have to be just the sex kitten. You can be a sexy, feminine woman, but also have a strong voice and be a warrior, at the same time.
 Katheryn Winnick
If you learn to lead your life strategically and strongly, you can overcome the opposition. But running away, you never overcome anything. The pathway to enlightenment is for the warrior, the samurai.
Courage is not the absence of fear and pain, but the affirmation of life despite fear and pain.
 Earl A Grollman
Fascism accepts the individual only insofar as his interests coincide with the state\'s.
Fascism accepts the individual only insofar as his interests coincide with the state's.
 Benito Mussolini
The people voting for the Oscars are so old. I haven't seen one Academy award voter with a tampon in her purse.