Powerful Warrior Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Strength - page 134

It is time to leave behind the divisive battles of the past. It is time to move forward as one nation.
It is time to leave behind the divisive battles of the past. It is time to move forward as one nation.
Our goal is not to have A problem-free life. But to conquer all the problems As they appear Along our life-road.
In 'Three Cups of Tea' I was fairly critical of the military. And I mentioned that they're laptop warriors and there's no boots on the ground. But I can say now that they've gone through a tremendous learning curve.
 Greg Mortenson
We need to move from the leader as hero, to the leader as host.
 Margaret J. Wheatley
I love action-adventure-type films - mythical adventures like 'Lord of the Rings' or superhero films like 'Batman.'
 Zac Efron
The effort to see things without distortion takes something like courage and this courage is essential to the artist, who has to look at everything as though he saw it for the first time.
 Henri Matisse
To have command of the air means to be able to cut an enemy's army and navy off from their bases of operation and nullify their chances of winning the war.
 Giulio Douhet
The academy awards in England; it's a classy affair as well.
 Brenda Blethyn
After the enormous success of All About my Mother, all the awards and everything, I wanted to start a movie in exactly the same place that I used to be before. I wanted to show that all of the success had not changed my perception.
 Pedro Almodovar
Let\'s get rid of the suffering and bring real peace, which is not just the absence of war, but the absence of all negativity.
Let's get rid of the suffering and bring real peace, which is not just the absence of war, but the absence of all negativity.
I think that no matter whether you're Quentin Tarantino or any other kind of a rebel, or whatever, everyone who makes movies still wants to win an Academy Award, because it's like the Pulitzer Prize or the Congressional Medal of Honor.
 Robert Osborne
The motivation is really to say people can find the game of getting involved interesting and find the problem and really have the passion and the enthusiasm to solve it and move forward, but that's all I know.
 Ai Weiwei
In the battle between planning and action, action wins.
 Chris Guillebeau
Death is at any time blessed but it is twice blessed for a warrior who dies for his cause, that is, truth.
The smile he gave her was wistful, just a little lift to his mouth. "You are a fighter." ""Yes. Always. And sometimes I'm a whole army.
The warrior knows that the most important words in all languages are the small words. Yes. Love. God. They are words that are easy enough to say and which fill vast empty spaces.
When evil is allowed to compete with good, evil has an emotional populist appeal that wins out unless good men and women stand as a vanguard against abuse.
On the other side of every mountain was another mountain.
 George Russell
“The warrior stands, ready to defend, ready to fight for those he serves. He is a warrior of virtue, A knight of conscience. He is who we all wish to be.”
“The warrior stands, ready to defend, ready to fight for those he serves. He is a warrior of virtue, A knight of conscience. He is who we all wish to be.”
 Anthony Hincks