There is sorrow in finitude. ...

There is sorrow in finitude. The Self is beyond time, space and objects. It is infinite and hence of the nature of absolute happiness.
There is sorrow in finitude. The Self is beyond time, space and objects. It is infinite and hence of the nature of absolute happiness.
 Adi Shankara

More phrases

An "I know what I like" mentality is hard to shake, but of course appreciation has space for being challenged.
 Ryan Gander
SHUCHU RYOKU - Focus all your energy to one point.
 Gozo Shioda
The warrior knows that the most important words in all languages are the small words. Yes. Love. God. They are words that are easy enough to say and which fill vast empty spaces.
The Warrior lives a life full of adventure, living on the edge of opportunity. Life on the edge keeps him in a space of heightened awareness and totally in the moment; therefore no matter what comes his way he is always prepared.
 James Arthur Ray
Seeing energy as it flows is an imperious need on the path of knowledge. Ultimately, all the effort of sorcerers is guided to that end. It is not enough for a warrior to know that the universe is energy; he has to verify it for himself.

Quotes from the same author

Like the appearance of silver in mother of pearl, the world seems real until the Self, the underlying reality, is realized.
 Adi Shankara
As gold purified in a furnace loses its impurities and achieves its own true nature, the mind gets rid of the impurities of the attributes of delusion, attachment and purity through meditation and attains Reality.
 Adi Shankara
Thus one should know oneself to be of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss[Sat-Chit-Ananda].
 Adi Shankara
Each thing tends to move towards its own nature. I always desire happiness which is my true nature. My nature is never a burden to me. Happiness is never a burden to me, whilst sorrow is.
 Adi Shankara
Who but the Atman is capable of removing the bonds of ignorance, passion and self-interested action?
 Adi Shankara