Things are bound to begin ...

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Death is at any time blessed but it is twice blessed for a warrior who dies for his cause, that is, truth.
Knights of the spirit; warriors in the cause Of justice absolute 'twixt man and man.
Richard Watson Gilder
I was very lucky to have a mother who encouraged me to become a poet.
Philip Levine
I am lucky. I had a very beautiful mother.
Sophia Loren
When I got my first check I was thinking my mother and father didn't make this probably in their lifetime. It's real amazing that some of us are just blessed.
Dwyane Wade
Quotes from the same author
Well, biology today as I see it has an amiable look - quite different from the 19th-century view that the whole arrangement of nature is hostile, 'red in tooth and claw.' That came about because people misread Darwin's 'survival of the fittest.'
Lewis Thomas
The greatest of all the accomplishments of 20th century science has been the discovery of human ignorance
Lewis Thomas
The future is too interesting and dangerous to be entrusted to any predictable, reliable agency. We need all the fallibility we can get. Most of all, we need to preserve the absolute unpredictability and total improbability of our connected minds. That way we can keep open all the options, as we have in the past.
Lewis Thomas
We have dominated and overruled nature, and from now on the earth is ours, a kitchen garden until we learn to make our own chlorophyll and float it out in the sun inside plastic mebranes. We will build Scarsdale on Mount Everest.
Lewis Thomas
In real life, every field of science is incomplete, and most of them - whatever the record of accomplishment during the last 200 years - are still in their very earliest stages.
Lewis Thomas