Quotes Robert Kiyosaki
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Corporate America is a 20th-century dinosaur, trembling on the edge of extinction, and the only way for you to have a genuinely secure future is for you to take control of that future.
People with vision master the ability to see through to the heart of issues and investments. They value transparency.
The size of your organization is directly related to your ability to enforce the rules.
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As one of my teachers, Buckminster Fuller, says, we were given a right foot and a left foot, not a right foot and a wrong foot. The point is that, there's always two points of view out there, and we need to increase our ability to allow another point of view. Then we have a better chance for peace.
Ephemeralization means the ability to do everything with nothing, or leverage, or doing more with less. So, as a businessman, I'm constantly ephemeralizing, figuring out how I can do more and more for less and less.
Fuel prices are at the center of our lives. They affect our ability to travel, stay warm, and feed ourselves.
The best way to predict the future is to study the past, or prognosticate.
Your mind, more than your actions, determines your net worth.

Everyone has the ability to build a financial ark to survive and flourish in the future. But you must invest time in your financial education to build an ark with a solid foundation.
If your mind is open to opposing ideas, your intelligence will go up. If your mind is closed to opposing ideas, your ignorance is in control. Intelligence or ignorance? Your ability to keep an open mind and appreciate multiple points of view is conscious choice. And one that can open your world, and shape your childs future.
You can invest with less risk and make more money in the stock market. All you have to do is not be an average investor. Intelligence is the ability to make finer distinctions.
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems
The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. If you cannot sell, don't bother thinking about becoming a business owner.
The unique ability to take decisive action while maintainign focus on the ultimate mission is what defines a true leader.
The power of "can't": The word "can't" makes strong people weak, blinds people who can see, saddens happy people, turns brave people into cowards, robs a genius of their brilliance, causes rich people to think poorly, and limits the achievements of that great person living inside us all.
Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.
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The keys to success, in business and in life, are truthfulness, the ability to take and give, honest and well-intended feedback, strength of character and conviction in one's principles