Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 95

Social networks are these intricate things of beauty, and they\'re so elaborate and so complex and so ubiquitous that one has to ask what purpose they serve.
Social networks are these intricate things of beauty, and they're so elaborate and so complex and so ubiquitous that one has to ask what purpose they serve.
 Nicholas A. Christakis
The function of the machine is to liberate man from brute burdens, and release his energies to the building of his intellectual and spiritual powers for conquests in the fields of thought and higher action.
They wanted to wait, to improve, to get better, when he's already a world champion. And that's a mistake. That's a chicken attitude.
 Sergio Martinez
There is no sense to a sacrifice after you come to feel that it is a sacrifice.
 Stefan Zweig
You do a movie and, even if it's not a comedy or it's not an action film, you get a little taste of it, and then I want to do it full force.
 Ashley Greene
I do firmly believe that universal forces are at work that pull us inexorably toward the deserving results of our actions.
 Robert Ringer
Our life is composed greatly from dreams, from the unconscious, and they must be brought into connection with action. They must be woven together.
I'm not exceptionally fast or overly powerful. But I have a good work ethic, and I make up for it by using technique and trying to be smarter.
 Dot Richardson
I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near.
Theories are patterns without value. What counts is action.
Theories are patterns without value. What counts is action.
 Constantin Brancusi
Success action is cumulative in its results.
 Wallace D. Wattles
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.
 Alton Brown
I punish myself more than anybody else does if I am stupid about my actions, and I suffer, really suffer.
 Eartha Kitt
We call an intention good which is right in itself, but the action is good, not because it contains within it some good, but because it issues from a good intention.
 Peter Abelard
Success is doing what it takes in spite of one's fear.
 Johnny Rutherford
Keep making music.. Keep improving your music.. If there's no viral action on your music, you're just not good enough. Don't get mad at the audience, get mad at yourself. Either give up or get better.
 Bob Lefsetz
There is an expression among even the most advanced runners that getting your shoes on is the hardest part of any workout
 Kathrine Switzer
We're constantly making choices about the way we spend our time. The issue is not between the good and the bad, but between the good and the best. So often, the enemy of the best is the good.
Basically, a human being is a social animal. So, if you create some short moment of happiness for people, you get deep satisfaction.
Basically, a human being is a social animal. So, if you create some short moment of happiness for people, you get deep satisfaction.
That sense of ambition, of aspiration, of moving forward, will be very important
 Hazel Blears