Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 92

After I write a sequence, I just open the script and then sit at the piano keyboard and \
After I write a sequence, I just open the script and then sit at the piano keyboard and "play" the script. (And because I also draw and paint, sometimes I sketch out the action as well.)
 Jeff Britting
I really like action. I really liked running around. I loved being really physical. I'm a big believer in it's okay if this job is really about entertaining people.
 Elizabeth Banks
I do feel, in a sense, the rules of engagement for citizenship has changed, and we must encourage other people to speak up and to take action.
 Howard Schultz
The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
Service to a just cause rewards the worker with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture of life.
 Carrie Chapman Catt
No religion can be considered in abstraction from its followers, or even from its various types of followers.
Even with some of the best action films like 'The Bourne Ultimatum,' which is a great action film with a great chase sequence, so much of it is computer-generated. But that doesn't bother me. I think it works. It's fantastic.
 William Friedkin
He who would govern his actions by the laws of virtue must regulate his thoughts by those of reason.
To me, always just - that scene is, like, so convenient. They never run out of bullets in action movies, unless it's at the most dramatic time possible.
 Seth Rogen
I love the big fights. Obviously you can\'t fight just for the money but the money is nice.
I love the big fights. Obviously you can't fight just for the money but the money is nice.
 Joe Calzaghe
The pleasure of work is open to anyone who can develop some specialised skill, provided that he can get satisfaction from the exercise of his skill without demanding universal applause.
Climate change poses clear, catastrophic threats. We may not agree on the extent, but we certainly can't afford the risk of inaction.
 Rupert Murdoch
These men are all talk; What is needed is action - action!
 John Brown
Political action means taking on responsibility. This cannot happen without power. Power is to serve responsibility.
The most important and urgent problems of the technology of today are no longer the satisfactions of the primary needs or of archetypal wishes, but the reparation of the evils and damages by technology of yesterday.
 Dennis Gabor
If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin.
 Ivan Turgenev
You're more likely to slip up when you're trying to accomplish your goals by yourself. It may be that you don't have an outer support system in place to help you maintain focus and provide the external encouragement everyone needs.
 Lauren Mackler
True love grows by sacrifice and the more thoroughly the soul rejects natural satisfaction the stronger and more detached its tenderness becomes.
 Teresa of Avila
Didn\'t we settle contraception & affirmative action? If the GOP keep going backwards they\'ll soon be debating slavery.
Didn't we settle contraception & affirmative action? If the GOP keep going backwards they'll soon be debating slavery.
 Andy Borowitz
I love an art which allows me to document my place in this mix... This is my past and my future. It has its own logic and finally, its own sense of fulfillment.
 Burton Silverman