Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 50

Man acts only when he is sure of the justness of his action, as we threw the bomb in the Legislative Assembly
Man acts only when he is sure of the justness of his action, as we threw the bomb in the Legislative Assembly
 Bhagat Singh
Everyone is saying that I'm retiring, but I want to solemnly declare, that I don't want to retire, I just want to do things a bit less dangerous to my body, less dangerous action.
 Jackie Chan
You can do so much in ten minutes' time. Ten minutes, once gone, are gone for good. Divide your life into 10-minute units and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity.
 Ingvar Kamprad
Remember that the most difficult tasks are consummated, not by a single explosive burst of energy or effort, but by the constant daily application of the best you have within you.
One of the most powerful forms of information is feedback on our own actions.
 John P. Kotter
Did I feel a physical desire for him? I did. Was I moved by a passion of my body? I was. Have I experienced the most violent form of sensual pleasure? I have.
The biggest superpower you can have is the ability to change your own life. It’s in your hands, and if you believe that you can get the power you want, you can do whatever you wish to do.
 Hrithik Roshan
I don't get the action... well, I never did get the big action hero parts. I was always locked into making the kids movies, which were a lot of fun.
 Laila Ali
Satisfaction is the death of ambition.
 Nikki Yanofsky
Our acts make or mar us, we are the children of our own deeds.
Our acts make or mar us, we are the children of our own deeds.
The satisfaction you get when you finally beat your dad is amazing, that rush of adrenaline.
 Lee Westwood
Man's search for meaning is the chief motivation of his life.
 Viktor E. Frankl
Habit is the intersection of knowledge (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do).
Envision, create, and believe in your own universe, and the universe will form around you.
 Tony Hsieh
Friends are rare for, the good reason that men are not common.
 Philibert Joseph Roux
Other people's success spurs me on to do well and gives me motivation.
 Nicholas Hoult
Policymakers think that if they get the abstractions right, that will drive behavior in the desired direction. But the world happens in real time.
 Sendhil Mullainathan
Conflict cannot survive without your participation.
Air power can either paralyze the enemy\'s military action or compel him to devote to the defense of his bases and communications a share of his straitened resources far greater that what we need in the attack.
Air power can either paralyze the enemy's military action or compel him to devote to the defense of his bases and communications a share of his straitened resources far greater that what we need in the attack.
I'm fortunate in being able to find great satisfaction in my work.
 Phillip Lopate