Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 226

I remember thinking that I\'d way rather give my parents my money, and not have to like have them go to work anymore, you know what I mean. Because I\'d way rather spend more time with them.
I remember thinking that I'd way rather give my parents my money, and not have to like have them go to work anymore, you know what I mean. Because I'd way rather spend more time with them.
 Shaun White
When your every thought and your every action is directed to your ultimate life goals, you become unstoppable and assured of great success and happiness.
Desire is the key to motivation. It is the key to develop a healthy personality and a positive attitude towards oneself and others.
 Amit Abraham
It is essential to understand that battles are primarily won in the hearts of men. Men respond to leadership in a most remarkable way and once you have won his heart, he will follow you anywhere.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.
 Louis D. Brandeis
That is one of the reasons one enjoys acting. Now and again, you get scenes where you work with somebody really good and you have a good time trying to make it really work and really work well.
 Albert Finney
Magic is all about directing attention. If I didn’t want you to look at my right hand then I don’t look at it.
 Keith Barry
One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.
We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason than only freedom can make security more secure.
 Karl Popper
It\'s always good to be underestimated.
It's always good to be underestimated.
Now the thing is not to get into unnecessary quarrels by talking too much and not to indicate any weakness by talking too much; let our actions speak for themselves.
 Henry L. Stimson
No marriage can stand up under the strain of incessant.
 Johnny Weissmuller
The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do, well.
If I had to characterize one quality as the genius of feminist thought, culture, and action, it would be the connectivity.
 Robin Morgan
When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
 Steven Wright
There is no entering into the secret thoughts of a man's heart.
 William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield
Nothing in this world came out of satisfaction. Except the human race.
 Josephine Tey
The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.
 Diane Arbus
If he goes down, he is to get up, and continue to fight, until I finish the process.
If he goes down, he is to get up, and continue to fight, until I finish the process.
 Wladimir Klitschko
Perhaps middle-age is, or should be, a period of shedding shells; the shell of ambition, the shell of material accumulations and possessions, the shell of the ego.
 Anne Morrow Lindbergh