Unlock Your Potential with Motivational Quotes - page 200

Resistance cannot be seen, touched, heard, or smelled. But it can be felt. We experince it as an energy field radiating from a work-in-potential... Its aim is to shove us away, distract us, prevent us from doing our work.
Resistance cannot be seen, touched, heard, or smelled. But it can be felt. We experince it as an energy field radiating from a work-in-potential... Its aim is to shove us away, distract us, prevent us from doing our work.
 Steven Pressfield
You measure your people and you take action on those that don't measure up.
 Jack Welch
The ultimate question of who we are is set before us at all times and answered with every action.
I’m raised to actually think, to use my brain.
 Jason Momoa
Determination is the wake-up call to the human will.
Deliberation is a function of the many; action is the function of one.
 Charles de Gaulle
Nothing teaches character better than generosity.
Stick to what's in front of you - idea, action, utterance.
There is always a very delicate interplay between individual actions and institutional conditions.
Don\'t let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action.
Don't let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action.
I didn't think; I experimented.
 Anthony Burgess
Look, when you are starting to put something together, you want the pudding to come out good. You're trying to put in the right ingredients.
 Bill Parcells
We have been lied to and terrorized by our own government, and it is time to take action.
 John Mellencamp
Gossip is vice enjoyed vicariously - the sweet, subtle satisfaction without the risk.
 Kin Hubbard
Practice of true community involves responsibilities and actions that do not come naturally to us.
 Jerry Bridges
For every action there’s a reaction. And also, for every action there’s an equal and opposite criticism.
 Jason Mraz
Trees are contagious; as soon as one neighborhood or street is planted, citizen pressure builds up for action from the next street.
 William H. Whyte
Allow humans to be themselves and celebrate that selfness. Love the metaphoric mind and respect the rational. Nurture Motivation. Consider any attempt at communication appropriate. Celebrate the whole person.
 Bob Samples
[L]et us believe that all is going along the best in the world when we take no satisfaction in it, provided we humble ourselves for this and redouble our confidence in God.
[L]et us believe that all is going along the best in the world when we take no satisfaction in it, provided we humble ourselves for this and redouble our confidence in God.
 Vincent de Paul
Always attack. Even in defense, attack. The attacking arm possesses the initiative and thus commands the action. To attack makes men brave; to defend makes them timorous.
 Steven Pressfield