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It really is all about believing in yourself: 80 per cent mental, 20 per cent physical.
Victoria Pendleton
I believe however that peace is attainable regardless of the Arabs mentality, society or government.
Yitzhak Rabin
You have inside you the capacity to invest your mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts in a way that glorifies God, impacts the world, and satisfies your own soul. I believe that-and I want you to believe it, too.
David Jeremiah
The 'Goonies' are a close knit group. They believe in themselves, even though there are doubters throwing darts at them outside...'Goonies never say die.' That's pretty in line with the mentality of our team.
Robin Lopez
I believe that there's no improvement if you have an inferiority complex and victim mentality.
Kim Nam-joon
Quotes from the same author
There are really two things that drive New Year's resolution success. Number one is telling somebody about your goal. Chances are, they'll either join you in pursuing it or at least support you. Number two is to be concrete and specific. You don't want a goal like "becoming a better person," because there's no objective way to judge that. It's got to be something like "I'm going to call my mother once a week." Or "I'm going to cut my body mass index to 25." It can't be fudgeable.
Mehmet Oz
My mother was all about unconditional love, and I don't think we give that to our patients a lot. At the end of the day, what they really need you to do is to look at them in the eye and say, 'I'm here for you. I'm going to make sure this works out.'
Mehmet Oz
You have to be going somewhere to have the energy you need to get there.
Mehmet Oz
I have become convinced that the most overlooked tool in our medical arsenal is harnessing the body's own ability to heal through nutritional excellence.
Mehmet Oz
If you change your lifestyle, remember it's not a wind sprint, but it's a marathon you're embarked on, and you'll be able to stay there.
Mehmet Oz