You say, 'If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.' You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled.
My mom spent every dollar she ever had on getting me modeling/acting classes when I was a kid. I'm really grateful for that foresight. She's brilliant, kind, and so loving as a mother. I was told a million times in a day that she loved me.
Ian Somerhalder
In an expression of true gratitude, sadness is conspicuous only by its absence
Facebook is one way to be able to communicate in a quick way. I never hired a firm to send out pictures and such so I am lame that way. All I can say is how grateful I am for the fans I have.
Blessed the one who, exalted by love, has become a city founded upon a mountain, from which the enemy, when he saw it, withdrew in fear, trembling at its security in the Lord.
Four in a row! We are overwhelmed with gratitude. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the bravery of our clients and the creativity of our teams around the world.
Life could be vastly improved if we could count our blessings as self-actualizing people can and do, and if we could retain their constant sense of good fortune and gratitude for it.