Your empathy for other ...

Your empathy for other mothers is such a natural instinct and it\'s such a beautiful thing that we all connect, and we should all help each other.
Your empathy for other mothers is such a natural instinct and it's such a beautiful thing that we all connect, and we should all help each other.

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If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.
What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.
I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

Quotes from the same author

My grandmother was energetic and fearless - a talented poet and songwriter. She was also interested in chemistry and history and medicine, taking care of the people in her hacienda in Mexico, delivering babies. She could have become anything, but this was the 1930s, and she was forced into an arranged marriage.
I realize now that I've hoped to be great - as an actress, as a mother - because I want to embody the greatness of women who didn't get to be all they could have been. Their dignity, their courage, and their brilliance make me strive to be better. They're a part of me.
I like being a mother. For some people, it's so much work that it can be a burden. But it's not for me, maybe because I had my daughter, Valentina, later on in life, at 41.
I love to cook for my husband and daughter. I enjoy going to the market for fresh vegetables.
I'm a country girl. I have to be in nature, so my daughter is exposed to it a lot.