You realize that everything ...

You realize that everything is a moving budget, and sometimes you've got to borrow from Peter to pay Paul, to make it happen.
 J.H. Wyman

Quotes from the same author

The whole message of the piece was that possessions are transient. You don't know if you are going to be able to have time with somebody, so you better be careful.
 J.H. Wyman
Life is painful sometimes. It touches everyone, so you may as well try to look for other answers and find peace. So, it is difficult to write those types of things because nobody wants to tell sad stories. I think that I'll always tell stories about human hope. I would love to be able to tell somebody, "It's okay. It's all right. Be a good person." That's what my job is, in life.
 J.H. Wyman
I want to feel that my characters evolved into a place that they deserved, that was sometimes unexpected, but where I would feel satiated that logically they have come to a conclusion that makes me feel satisfied.
 J.H. Wyman
I'm not interested in leaving it open-ended. That would just cause me frustration. I wouldn't be satisfied. What's really cool about Fringe, and one of the things we did do right, was that the way we chose to tell the story was that, with every season, there was a closure and then a new chapter. That allowed us to actually make the closure.
 J.H. Wyman
What's a hero, if not for its journey. I think you're going to recontextualize what saving the world means, and I think that you will be satisfied with the stakes. That's all I can say about that.
 J.H. Wyman