You may never get to that ...

You may never get to that perfect world that you\'re waiting for where everything\'s going to be perfect and you got that much money and your house paid off.
You may never get to that perfect world that you're waiting for where everything's going to be perfect and you got that much money and your house paid off.

Quotes from the same author

Don't settle in the land of barely enough. That is where you are, it is not who you are. That's your location, it's not your identity. No matter what it looks like, have an abundant mentality.
Don't go into the new year holding a grudge from last year. Leave the hurts and disappointments behind.
God wants to increase you financially, by giving you promotions, fresh ideas and creativity
Men, learn to speak blessings over your wife and you will see that woman rise to a new level. She will respond to your praise and encouragement. Your words don't have to be poetic, fancy, or profound. Tell her simply but sincerely, "You're a great mother to our children. And you are a great wife to me. I'm so glad I can always count on you.
Many people are unhappy and are not experiencing life to its fullest because they’ve closed their hearts to compassion, they are motivated by only what they want and what they think they need. They rarely do anything for anybody else unless they have an ulterior goal in mind. They are self-involved and self-centered.