You listen to the ...

You listen to the intelligence community, they say, listen, maybe it's ISIS today, it's somebody else tomorrow. We'll deal with the caliphate, but it's going to take years to be able to handle this.
 Kimberly Guilfoyle

Quotes from the same author

I hate Mother's Day. If anything, it's an affront to all women who think full-time moms have never worked a day in their lives. Which reminds me of a good joke: What do you call an angry feminist on Mother's Day? You don't.
 Kimberly Guilfoyle
Feminists have mocked full-time motherhood as silly and old fashioned. Maybe they're right. I mean, what do moms do really?
 Kimberly Guilfoyle
We in US need active intelligence: people being on the streets, people being able to stop and ask questions of individuals that they suspect to put it together. Why wouldn't we be wanting to get some information that could actually prevent a terrorist attack, especially since we have so many individuals fighting that have passports coming back and spreading jihad.
 Kimberly Guilfoyle
You have to almost apologize for saying, please enforce the laws. The laws, that they're [government] receiving good federal dollars to be able to ensure for public safety, which is incumbent upon them to secure on the streets in every city and state across this country. And instead government allows individuals who are a risk, who are a threat, to come back in the country, routinely, regularly without any kind of checks and balances.
 Kimberly Guilfoyle
The stronger the facts are there, you should achieve justice. You don't need to make sensationalized statements.
 Kimberly Guilfoyle