You have the Republican ...

You have the Republican establishment that is moving into Hillary\'s [Clinton] camp. What\'s happening in this election is sort of proof of principle.
You have the Republican establishment that is moving into Hillary's [Clinton] camp. What's happening in this election is sort of proof of principle.

More phrases

[The Jews] tried to kill the principles of all religions with the same mentality in which they betrayed Jesus Christ and the same way they tried to betray and kill the Prophet Muhammad.
 Bashar al-Assad
The Warrior Diet is the only diet today that challenges all common dietary concepts and offers a real alternative—guidelines that are not based on superficial restrictions, but rather on true principles of human nutrition.
 Ori Hofmekler
Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.
Men submit from habit to everything that seeks power.
My mother was the source from which I derived the guiding principles of my life.
 John Wesley

Quotes from the same author

I'm a medical doctor by training. I'm a physician, not a politician. And I'm in this as a mother on fire.
I'm a medical doctor by training. I'm a physician, not a politician. And I'm in this as a mother on fire. You could say, very concerned about our younger generation that does not have the jobs they need to get themselves out of the debt that they're in. And have the full weight of the climate crisis exploding on them - on their watch.
I used to practice clinical medicine. Now I practice political medicine, because it's the mother of all illnesses.
[My parents] were very interested in social justice issues, and there was a time, very early on, where my mother, I think, actually went to some demonstrations for integrating housing.
[My mother] was busy being a homemaker and was not an activist by any means.