You can't believe how pro gay ...

You can\'t believe how pro gay and pro freedom of speech I am. I\'m way out beyond anyone on the Left.
You can't believe how pro gay and pro freedom of speech I am. I'm way out beyond anyone on the Left.
 Penn Jillette

More phrases

It really is all about believing in yourself: 80 per cent mental, 20 per cent physical.
 Victoria Pendleton
I believe however that peace is attainable regardless of the Arabs mentality, society or government.
 Yitzhak Rabin
You have inside you the capacity to invest your mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts in a way that glorifies God, impacts the world, and satisfies your own soul. I believe that-and I want you to believe it, too.
 David Jeremiah
The 'Goonies' are a close knit group. They believe in themselves, even though there are doubters throwing darts at them outside...'Goonies never say die.' That's pretty in line with the mentality of our team.
 Robin Lopez
I believe that there's no improvement if you have an inferiority complex and victim mentality.
 Kim Nam-joon

Quotes from the same author

Modern American magic, late 20th century magic, is tremendously disrespectful of the audience.
 Penn Jillette
'Christian' used to be a throwaway word. People didn't used to use it much. People didn't start self-labeling or getting labeled Christian until the last part of the 20th century. Before that, you might identify as a Baptist, or a Southern Baptist or a Methodist. But there wasn't one identifier that put you in a fold with all the other believers.
 Penn Jillette
There is this tremendous amount of arrogance and hubris, where somebody can look at something for five minutes and dismiss it. Whether you talk about gaming or 20th century classical music, you can't do it in five minutes. You can't listen to 'The Rite of Spring' once and understand what Stravinsky was all about.
 Penn Jillette
For better or worse, in the 21st century, reality shows are the variety show.
 Penn Jillette
If I had to imagine omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent power in the universe that chose to make my mother suffer, I don't know how I would make that make sense in the universe.
 Penn Jillette