Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 99

Wendy," Peter Pan continued in a voice that no woman has ever yet been able to resist, "Wendy, one girl is more use than twenty boys.
 James M. Barrie
Good satire is about attacking the powerful, and that tends to be more the purview of the left. Maybe there's something about the conservative mindset that confuses mean-spirited name-calling and insults with actual humor.
 Tom Tomorrow
For me, I understood the gift of being able to empower others and to not do everything yourself.
 Wilmer Valderrama
No matter how powerful, countries cannot rule the whole world. The world is ruled by brains, by justice, by morals and by fairness.
 Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Anarchism as a political philosophy seeks to dissolve all forms of authority and power, and if possible, wishes their complete abolition.
 Peter Marshall
I could walk away from anyone I ever knew, but I can't walk away from you.
 Billy Joel
Fortunately, I was given an incredible foundation from my independent mother. She showed me what was possible from a strong, loving woman.
 Laird Hamilton
The Virgin (and I'm not speaking here of a sexual virgin) is the one whose search springs from her complete independence, and everything she learns is the fruit of her ability to face challenges alone.
I want no part of peace with savages who throw acid on and gun down young girls going to school. I would prefer to crush them and kill them wherever they exist. That’s not being a warmonger. It’s being a realist.
 Allen West
Beliefs are so powerful because they dictate our efforts and actions.
Beliefs are so powerful because they dictate our efforts and actions.
 Shawn Achor
The friendless, the weak, the victims of prejudice and public excitement are entitled to the same quality of justice and fair play that the rich, the powerful, the well-connected, and the fellow with pull thinks he can get.
And this is for Colored girls who have considered suicide, but are moving to the ends of their own rainbows.
 Ntozake Shange
The national policy of promoting abstinence-only programs is a $1.5 billion failure and teenage girls are paying the real price.
 Cecile Richards
Great men are almost always bad men.
 Lord Acton
In high school I was voted the girl most likely to become a nun. That may not be impressive to you, but it was quite an accomplishment at the Hebrew Academy.
 Rita Rudner
I definitely wouldn't shy away from doing another action based project, but I feel like my forte is more like playing real, ordinary people. I'm a girl's girl.
 Rachael Taylor
When comfort is withdrawn, do not be cast down, but humbly and patiently await the visitation of God. He is able and powerful to give you more grace and more spiritual comfort than you first had.
 Thomas a Kempis
You cannot be buried in obscurity: you are exposed upon a grand theater to the view of the world. If your actions are upright and benevolent, be assured they will augment your power and happiness.
 Cyrus the Great
I\'ve been able to find a lot of what I\'ve not had before: freedom, bravery, fearlessness. It\'s empowering to find those things.
I've been able to find a lot of what I've not had before: freedom, bravery, fearlessness. It's empowering to find those things.
 Alicia Keys
Which is why I felt I was truly blessed this year, with leads in two nice films, and also the luxury of being able to do a studio film and an independent afterwards was fantastic.
 Rachel True