Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 92

Focus is more valuable than IQ.
Focus is more valuable than IQ.
A vivid portrait of a teenage girl and her family in disarray. Meredith is a wonderful narrator, witty, feisty, full of yearning, and the story she tells is as complicated as life itself. This is a richly satisfying novel.
 Margot Livesey
Never underestimate the power of words to heal and reconcile relationships.
 H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.
 Brigham Young
The rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who loves His Mother.
 Louis de Montfort
I never went to school for anything that I have done. I've never taken a class in singing, I never went to school for singing, acting, nothing. All I know is that it's a gift.
 Patrice Lovely
The Democratic Party is the - was the largest and most powerful institution supporting slavery in the English-speaking world. And it is the only one that has survived to the 21st century!
 Sean Hannity
We all obsess about what we are doing and accomplishing. What if we let it go and simply made the way we live our lives our accomplishment?
 Maria Shriver
Forever is composed of nows.
 Emily Dickinson
Everybody has a different idea of love. One girl I know said, \
Everybody has a different idea of love. One girl I know said, "I knew he loved me when de didn't come in my mouth.
 Andy Warhol
The relationship between parents and children, but especially between mothers and daughters, is tremendously powerful, scarcely to be comprehended in any rational way.
There is a bond, it appears, between mother and child which endures as long as they do. It is independent of love; reason cannot weaken it; hate cannot destroy it.
 Margaret Deland
If the abstract rights of man will bear discussion and explanation, those of women, by a parity of reasoning, will not shrink from the same test.
 Mary Wollstonecraft
But for money and the need of it, there would not be half the friendship in the world. It is powerful for good if divinely used. Give it plenty of air and it is sweet as the hawthorn; shut it up and it cankers and breeds worms.
 George MacDonald
Praise, of all things, is the most powerful excitement to commendable actions, and animates us in our enterprises.
 Jean de la Bruyere
Vulnerable people are powerful people. Opening your heart and sharing it means you're going to get so much love in your life. and it's the way to true connection and real purpose and meaning in your life, in my opinion.
 Amy Poehler
The first person I learned I could make happy with laughter was my mother, whom I idolize. It was a powerful thing to realize. I knew I had found my life's work.
 Ellen DeGeneres
The reason women are always reluctant to reveal their age is because other people label them as 'past it'. In the 21st century, women over 60 are not past it - we are vital, active, sexual beings, living life to the full.
 Ita Buttrose
You know, when most girls say they want a big rock, they don\'t mean, you know, literally a big rock. -Clary Fray to Jace Wayland
You know, when most girls say they want a big rock, they don't mean, you know, literally a big rock. -Clary Fray to Jace Wayland
Man's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.