Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 87

The game of soccer has been able to give me what I wanted out of life. I just remember being a total Tomboy and athlete as a girl, but never having a lack of opportunity.
The game of soccer has been able to give me what I wanted out of life. I just remember being a total Tomboy and athlete as a girl, but never having a lack of opportunity.
 Tiffeny Milbrett
You control your own life. Your own will is extremely powerful.
 J.K. Rowling
Coming age is the age of knowledge. However rich, poor or powerful a country be, if they want to move ahead, only knowledge can lead them to that path.
As Anthony said to Cleopatra as he opened a crate of ale: "Oh, I say, some girls are bigger than others, Some girls' mothers are bigger than other girls' mothers.
 Steven Morrissey
A lot of women get out of the business because it's so not family-friendly. And so women that could be in there making good women-roles don't do it, 'cause they're smart and get out.
 Joan Cusack
But then the girl moved, and smiled, and pulled her hand from the grate- a gorgeous green stone clutched tightly in her grasp. It was covered with dust and cobwebs, but it was uncracked and unharmed. And, of course, completely fake.
And Tragedy should blush as much to stoop To the low mimic follies of a farce, As a grave matron would to dance with girls.
I figure if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one.
 Calamity Jane
Girls do what their mothers tell them. Ladies do what society tells them. Women make up their own minds.
 Karen Kijewski
What we need is a plan B ... independent of the Internet. [It] doesn\'t necessarily have to have the performance of the Internet, but the police department has to be able to call up the fire department.
What we need is a plan B ... independent of the Internet. [It] doesn't necessarily have to have the performance of the Internet, but the police department has to be able to call up the fire department.
 Danny Hillis
Female genital mutilation targets little girls, baby girls - fragile angels who are helpless, who cannot fight back. It's a crime against a child, a crime against humanity. It's abuse. It's absolutely criminal and we have to stop it.
 Waris Dirie
Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.
I'm really bad at taking compliments, but whenever I get them, I tell myself, 'Way to go, girl' and move on.
 Bipasha Basu
If, for example, a conspiratorially minded elite is so powerful, has at its fingertips such multiple and delicate instruments with which to fine-tune accumulation, then how can the periodic headlong slides into crisis be explained?
 David Harvey
Use every letter you write Every conversation you have Every meeting you attend To express your fundamental beliefs and dreams Affirm to others the vision of the world you want
 Robert Muller
Those days she was just a beautiful girl, now she's framed and hung up.
 Elvis Costello
You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.
I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that's how you grow.
 Marissa Mayer
I don\'t believe that there is any good career move or bad career move. I believe there are only the things that make me happy.
I don't believe that there is any good career move or bad career move. I believe there are only the things that make me happy.
 Whoopi Goldberg
She looked as though butter wouldn't melt in her mouth - or anywhere else.
 Elsa Lanchester