Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 82

Total self acceptance is empowering. It means allowing others to see you as they choose, without being offended.
Total self acceptance is empowering. It means allowing others to see you as they choose, without being offended.
Goal-setting is powerful because it provides focus. It shapes our dreams. It gives us the ability to hone in on the exact actions we need to perform to achieve everything we desire in life.
Superior technical achievements - used correctly both strategically and tactically - can beat any quantity numerically many times stronger yet technically inferior.
 Adolf Galland
If we talk about pure abilities and skills, I believe there should be no reason why women cannot play as well as men.
 Susan Polgar
May we not suspect that the vague but very real fears of children, which are quite independent of experience, are the inherited effects of real dangers and abject superstitions during ancient savage times?
The Interfaith Alliance has to become an ongoing sustaining and powerful movement whose interest is to prove that religion has a healing side as well as a killing side, and that democracy is the consequence of conscience
 Bill Moyers
This is not a time when women should be patient. We are in a war and we need to fight it with all our ability and every weapon possible. Women pilots, in this particular case, are a weapon waiting to be used.
She was a natural blonde, with delicate hands and feet, and in her youthful photographs one saw a girl with mocking eyes and a tragic smile, the course of whose life would conspire in time to transpose that pair of adjectives.
 Michael Chabon
The power which makes a man able to entertain a good impulse is the same as that which enables him to make a good gun; it is imagination.
I need someone who is able to hold her own - if a girl is really independent, that\'s a turn-on for me.
I need someone who is able to hold her own - if a girl is really independent, that's a turn-on for me.
 Ryan Lochte
I can understand pathways to enlightenment where people shun certain aspects of the sensual world because they feel that these aspects are very powerful; they're not in a position to control their appetites.
There are ... just two kinds of girls. Those who go down town Saturday nights, and those who don't.
 Edna Ferber
I grew up like a lot of country boys and girls do - amongst the pine trees, dirt roads, farms, mules and people who were real.
 Josh Turner
When I came into the acting profession, it was quite hierarchical. You didn't sit at the same table as the leading actor. Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir John Gielgud... these were very, very intimidating and powerful people.
 Helen Mirren
The best way to stop girls achieving anything is to force them to achieve everything.
 Laurie Penny
A gifted small girl has explained that pins are a great means of saving life, "by not swallowing them.
 Charles Edward Montague
Europe unified its monetary policy through the euro before it unified politically, therefore sustaining member countries' abilities to pursue the kind of independent fiscal policies that can strain a joint currency.
 Amity Shlaes
Watch MTV and you can see what the music scene is like in England. The Spice Girls? Not a lot of creativity in the commercial area. There are still great musicians in England, but not a lot being heard that much.
 Jimmy Carl Black
Lenin in 1921 observed very presciently that motion pictures were the most powerful tool ever invented to shape the way we thought. He was right. Political films can be successful.
Lenin in 1921 observed very presciently that motion pictures were the most powerful tool ever invented to shape the way we thought. He was right. Political films can be successful.
 Charlton Heston
The entire history of mankind is, in any case, nothing but a prolonged fight to the death for the conquest of universal prestige and absolute power.