Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 70

When I was in school, I dreamed about becoming a psychiatrist or a ballerina. Like most girls I would dream about being a movie star too. But those dreams are the impossible kind, the kind you don\'t really set your heart on.
When I was in school, I dreamed about becoming a psychiatrist or a ballerina. Like most girls I would dream about being a movie star too. But those dreams are the impossible kind, the kind you don't really set your heart on.
 Sharon Tate
We can hardly escape the feeling that the unconscious process moves spiral-wise round a centre, gradually getting closer, while the characteristics of the centre grow more and more distinct.
Kurosawa was one of film's true greats. His ability to transform a vision into a powerful work of art is unparalleled.
It is odd there are many movies with many men. But generally movies have one woman, or maybe the older woman and the younger girl.
 Carla Gugino
Murder is about power and the more powerful women get the more it will change the good that they do and the bad that they do.
 Patricia Cornwell
Struggle is strengthening. Battling with evil gives us the power to battle evil even more.
 Ossie Davis
Right after I graduated, my girlfriend, who I had been going out with for five years, dumped me, and my grandmother died.
 Mike Gordon
It's not your job to like me - it's mine
 Byron Katie
[H]e that thinks absolute power purifies men's blood, and corrects the baseness of human nature, need read the history of this, or any other age, to be convinced to the contrary.
 John Locke
Believe that there are no limitations, no barriers to your success --- you will be empowered and you will achieve.
Believe that there are no limitations, no barriers to your success --- you will be empowered and you will achieve.
 Ursula Burns
Setrakus is more or less invincible. Only Pittacus Lore, the most powerful of all the Lorien Elders, would have been able to defeat him.
 Pittacus Lore
Everything counts for gain when we are cosmically awake. Nothing counts, unless we are awake. No enjoyments last, no successes satisfy, no gains have meaning unless accomplished in a state of wakefulness.
Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths.
 Lois Wyse
Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience.
 Mary Wollstonecraft
I think I am a good role model, and a lot of mothers come up to me and they're really happy, and I think if any girl follows their dreams then anything can happen to them.
 Paris Hilton
Happiness is being married to your best friend.
 Barbara Weeks
Religion to me is devotion to work and devotedly working is being religious.
Shambhala is a tradition where there were rulers, kings, and powerful people who actually were very benevolent and kind. They got things done, and they didn't abandon their tradition.
 Sakyong Mipham
A number of girls of my acquaintance went to school to the nuns of the Congregational Nunnery, or Sisters of Charity, as they are sometimes called.
A number of girls of my acquaintance went to school to the nuns of the Congregational Nunnery, or Sisters of Charity, as they are sometimes called.
 Maria Monk
The terror of the atom age is not the violence of the new power but the speed of man's adjustment to it, the speed of his acceptance.
 E. B. White