Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 69

Nature is a big part of my weekend. Whenever possible, I take Friday and Monday off and spend four days outdoors. We should remind ourselves that there was something here before us, a force more powerful than us.
Nature is a big part of my weekend. Whenever possible, I take Friday and Monday off and spend four days outdoors. We should remind ourselves that there was something here before us, a force more powerful than us.
 Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
The United States has grown into a remarkable nation specifically because of our independent spirit and free market.
 Tammy Bruce
I love acting because it's empowering. It empowers me.
 Bryan Cranston
To have mentors and moguls like Russell Simmons and Chuck D pushing me forward and empowering my movement makes me all the more eager to continue pursuing my dream to make my mark on hip hop music and culture.
 Lazarus of Bethany
The ultimate [travel destination] for me would be one perfect day in San Francisco. There's no city like it anywhere. And, if I could be there with the girl of my dreams, that would be the ultimate!
 Larry King
Personally, I've never had it as a goal in life to be happy. Seems impossible to achieve. Even the Declaration of Independence seems to acknowledge this. They talk about the pursuit of happiness, not happiness itself.
 Jonathan Ames
I have such respect for women. My mother was one of the great people I've of known in my life.
Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff.
 Jon Katz
I saw my husband in his cell for ten minutes. During the interview the cell was packed with officers and a sergeant, who kept a watch in his hand and closed the interview by saying, 'Your ten minutes is now up.'
 Grace Gifford
I basically became a cheerleader because I had a very strict mom. That was my way of being a bad girl.
I basically became a cheerleader because I had a very strict mom. That was my way of being a bad girl.
 Sandra Bullock
There are many who are living far below their possibilities because they are continually handing over their individualities to others. Do you want to be a power in the world? Then be yourself.
 Ralph Waldo Trine
Power moves with you when you have an intent to serve more than yourself.
Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others.
 Amelia Earhart
My mother was my Girl Scout leader, and George's mother was his Cub Scout leader. In fact, that's when some say her hair turned white.
 Laura Bush
You know, when most girls say they want a big rock, they don't mean, you know, literally a big rock." "Very amusing, my sarcastic friend. It's not a rock, precisely. All Shadowhunters have a witchlight rune-stone.
A good woman would rather be the mother of a genius than the wife of a hero
 Gelett Burgess
Abe shook his head, and now the smile was gone altogether. "That's not the reason either. Don't lie to me little girl." I felt my hackles going up. "And don't interrogate me, old man.
If 125 crore people work together; India will move forward 125 crore steps.
The strongest actions for a woman are to love herself, be herself, and shine amongst those who never believed she could.
The strongest actions for a woman are to love herself, be herself, and shine amongst those who never believed she could.
The obligation of subjects to the sovereign is understood to last as long, and no longer, than the power lasteth by which he is able to protect them.
 Thomas Hobbes