Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 35

Could I say that the reason that I am here today, you know, from the mouth of the State Department itself, is: I should not be allowed to travel because I have struggled for years for the independence of the colonial peoples of Africa.
Could I say that the reason that I am here today, you know, from the mouth of the State Department itself, is: I should not be allowed to travel because I have struggled for years for the independence of the colonial peoples of Africa.
 Paul Robeson
I observe that more evolved souls are now reincarnating as women. Women find it easier to meditate and easier to develop their psychic abilities.
Yes," I said "You were saved by a girl. Horrible, isn't it?" He slid out and looked down at my bare legs. "Not just a girl, but a half-naked one. Now that's hot. If I'm still unconscious, don't wake me, okay?
 Kelley Armstrong
The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man.
Rob Lowe, I've known him for a long time because I have three daughters, ya know. He's been cruising those three girls for a long time.
 Robert Wagner
The measure of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acquire it.
The ability to have our own way, and at the same time convince others they are having their own way, is a rare thing among men. Among women it is as common as eyebrows.
 Thomas Bailey Aldrich
We don't move with our legs and arms, but with courage and will power.
It is my conviction that in general women are more snobbish and class conscious than men and that these ignoble traits are a product of men's attitude toward women and women's passive acceptance of this attitude.
 Mary Barnett Gilson
Armies, though always the supporters and tools of absolute power for the time being, are always the destroyers of it too; by frequently changing the hands in which they think proper to lodge it.
Armies, though always the supporters and tools of absolute power for the time being, are always the destroyers of it too; by frequently changing the hands in which they think proper to lodge it.
 Lord Chesterfield
I get worried for young girls sometimes; I want them to feel that they can be sassy and full and weird and geeky and smart and independent, and not so withered and shriveled.
 Amy Poehler
The MPs are not adopting villages; it's the villages that are adopting the MPs.
I've always really loved action films, but I don't see myself as a superhero girl.
 Amy Adams
Loving-kindness and compassion are the basis for wise, powerful, sometimes gentle, and sometimes fierce actions that can really make a difference - in our own lives and those of others.
 Sharon Salzberg
I once went out with this wild girl. She made French toast and got her tongue caught in the toaster.
 Rodney Dangerfield
The incessant struggle of the mind to be true to itself, to absorb new truths, to grow, to overcome pressures--these are the painful portion of the independent thinker. Almost his sole reward is the satisfaction of integrity.
 Howard Mumford Jones
Slave girls on Gor address all free men as Master, though, of course only one such would be her true Master.
 John Norman
The counselor at our clinic would cry with the girls at the drop of a hat. She would find their weakness and work on it. The women were never given any alternatives. They were told how much trouble it is to have a baby.
 Debbie Harry
There are the holding actions, the changing actions, and the vision of the future - what we want to see happen for the Earth. All are essential.
There are the holding actions, the changing actions, and the vision of the future - what we want to see happen for the Earth. All are essential.
 Joanna Macy
The struggle of the male to learn to listen to and respect his own intuitive, inner prompting is the greatest challenge of all. His conditioning has been so powerful that it has all but destroyed his ability to be self-aware.
 Herb Goldberg