Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 34

If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things.
If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things.
 Saul Bellow
For a lot of kids, the Boys and Girls Club is really a sanctuary, an oasis of sanity and safety for them because their home life is so tragic. Some of these kids have only one parent, and that one is addicted to drugs.
 Judge Reinhold
Hair on a man's chest is thought to denote strength. The gorilla is the most powerful of bipeds and has hair on every place on his body except for his chest.
And the ideal travel writer is consumed not just with a will to know. He is also moved by a powerful will to teach.
 Paul Fussell
Meditation is a simple yet powerful tool that takes us to a state of profound relaxation that dissolves fatigue and the accumulated stress that accelerates the aging process.
I was born pretty lucky, an Aryan Australian, friendly girl, that gives you a lot of advantages in the world. I was unaware of people's fights or struggles for equality. I was really naive.
 Sia Furler
Whatever natural right men may have to freedom and independency, it is manifest that some men have a natural ascendency over others.
 Sir Fulke Greville
I grew up in a makeup chair, to see! the women around me getting ready was so aspirational, It is about mothers and daughters, a girl watching her mom at a vanity table.
 Drew Barrymore
A strong women is someone who is able to smile this morning like she wasn't crying last night.
 Harriet Morgan
The body of a young woman is God\'s greatest achievement...Of course, He could have built it to last longer but you can\'t have everything.
The body of a young woman is God's greatest achievement...Of course, He could have built it to last longer but you can't have everything.
 Neil Simon
We are unalterably opposed to the presentation of the female body being stripped, bound, raped, tortured, mutilated, and murdered in the name of commercial entertainment and free speech
 Susan Brownmiller
The visions of the INFJs tend to concern human welfare, and their contributions are likely to be made independent of a mass movement.
 Isabel Briggs Myers
I wish my mother had left me something about how she felt growing up. I wish my grandmother had done the same. I wanted my girls to know me.
 Carol Burnett
Authentic happiness is always independent of external conditions.
Men are beasts and even beasts don't behave as they do.
 Brigitte Bardot
Girls, there are poets who learn from you to say, what you, in your aloneness, are; and they learn through you to live distantness, as the evenings through the great stars become accustomed to eternity.
Vigor is contagious, and whatever makes us either think or feel strongly adds to our power and enlarges our field of action.
People ask what your vision is, what is your big vision? I say 'bhai', I got here by way of selling tea. I am a simple Chhota man. I like focusing on simple and small tasks. I want to accomplish big things for the little guy.
If you have something about yourself that\'s different, you\'re lucky. It\'s not a curse.
If you have something about yourself that's different, you're lucky. It's not a curse.
Cherish forever what makes you unique, 'cuz you're really a yawn if it goes.
 Bette Midler