Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 30

Nothing is impossible for the people of God who trust in the power of God to accomplish the will of God.
Nothing is impossible for the people of God who trust in the power of God to accomplish the will of God.
 David Platt
Nothing important was ever accomplished without chutzpah. Columbus had chutzpah. The signers of the Declaration of Independence had chutzpah. Don't ever aim doubt at yourself. Laugh at yourself, but don't doubt yourself.
 Alan Alda
The Bill of Rights was intended to secure freedom of speech - the freedom of speech of members of parliament to speak freely rather than be at threat of... the threat of an over powerful monarch at the time.
 William Hague
I think I'm a really good girlfriend, and I think that I could be a really good wife. I know that I love being able to give my love out to someone. I know there is somebody great out there for me.
 Jennifer Love Hewitt
In the room the women come and go talking of Michelangelo.
If you chose to be with an abusive man, a powerful, abusive man, it reflects something about who you are and what you want for yourself.
 Moran Atias
My mother gave me a sense of independence, a sense of total confidence that we could do whatever it was we set out to do. That's how we were raised
 Robin Wright
Enjoy the peace your valor won. Let independence be our boast, Ever mindful what it cost; Ever grateful for the prize, Let its altar reach the skies!
 Joseph Hopkinson
Development seems to have become the agenda only of government. It is seen as a scheme. That should not be the case. Development should be everyone`s agenda. It should be a people's movement.
I saw my role as prime minister\'s wife as being human towards other humans and not treating them badly.
I saw my role as prime minister's wife as being human towards other humans and not treating them badly.
 Margaret Whitlam
The taint inherent in absolute power is not its inhumanity but its antihumanity.
Men want a woman whom they can turn on and off like a light switch.
 Ian Fleming
I am opposed to the accumulation of executive power anywhere.
Khomeini has offered us the opportunity to regain our frail religion ... faith in the power of words.
 Norman Mailer
Powerlessness corrupts: absolute powerlessness corrupts absolutely.
 Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Woman's great strength lies in being late or absent. Presence immediately reveals the weak points of our beloved; when she is absent she become one of the sylph-like figures of our adolescence whom we endowed with perfection.
 Andre Maurois
Absolute power turns its possessors not into a God but an anti-God. For God turned clay into men, while the absolute despot turns men into clay.
When I meet a girl, I just sort of do really over-exaggerated terrible dance moves... a lot of hip movements. I get them laughing, and get them to feel pity for me, and then they like me!
 Nicholas D'Agosto
I view my wife as my lover, and we have a bond that goes beyond words like wife or girlfriend or mother.
I view my wife as my lover, and we have a bond that goes beyond words like wife or girlfriend or mother.
 Tom Hanks
Words are not in the power of men; men are in the power of words. Every time we open our mouths, a thousand dead men speak through us.
 Hermann Bahr