Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 21

There is a powerful force within us, an un-illuminated part of the mind - separate from the conscious mind that is constantly at work molding our thought, feelings, and actions.
There is a powerful force within us, an un-illuminated part of the mind - separate from the conscious mind that is constantly at work molding our thought, feelings, and actions.
Wit and woman are two frail things, and both the frailer by concurring.
 Thomas Overbury
And who will deny that a world in which the wealthy are powerful is still a better world than one in which only the already powerful can acquire wealth?
A fool is very dangerous when in power.
 Denis Fonvizin
I can put my whole fist in my mouth! Wanna see?
 Karen Smith
Never abandon the possibility of attack. Attack even from a position of inferiority, to disrupt the enemy's plans. This often results in improving one's own position.
 Adolf Galland
C.S. Lewis says that fiction is able to sneak past the watchful dragons of religion. It becomes more powerful to speak in poetry. The song goes straight to the heart while the numbers and the math of it will never be able to reach that.
 Jon Foreman
Playing in an independent rock band will eventually make you equal parts truck driver, gladiator and mule. Glamour is for those with trust funds.
 Neko Case
Men who care passionately for women attach themselves at least as much to the temple and to the accessories of the cult as to their goddess herself.
 Marguerite Yourcenar
Feminism is for all women and girls, not a privileged few or one ethnicity, religion, age, sexual preference, ability, region or hemisphere.
Feminism is for all women and girls, not a privileged few or one ethnicity, religion, age, sexual preference, ability, region or hemisphere.
 Robin Morgan
Acting can be an amazingly cathartic thing - especially for young girls.
 Ellen Pompeo
You're terrified of being alone. Anything you do now will be motivated by that fear. You have to stop worrying about finding love again. It will come when it comes. Get comfortable with being alone. It will empower you.
 Jonathan Tropper
All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.
 John Locke
To do all that one is able to do, is to be a man; to do all that one would like to do, is to be a god.
She was what we used to call a suicide blonde - dyed by her own hand.
 Saul Bellow
Power doesn't have to be on such a big scale for powerful things to occur. Within your own home, you can be a powerful woman as a mother, influencing your children's lives.
 Jill Scott
The whole 1950s notion was find the right girl, get married, move to the suburbs and then hang out with the guys while she stayed home with the babies. I felt that was sort of sad.
 Hugh Hefner
There are as many kinds of modesty as there are races. To the English woman it is a duty; to the French woman a propriety.
 Hippolyte Taine
Men and women who are lonely create. Those who are gregarious rarely do... Any poet would rather bed with a girl than write a poem about her. All art is the result of frustration. Art is energy deflected from its normal course in action.
Men and women who are lonely create. Those who are gregarious rarely do... Any poet would rather bed with a girl than write a poem about her. All art is the result of frustration. Art is energy deflected from its normal course in action.
 Burton Rascoe
For those who love... time is eternity.
 Henry Van Dyke