Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 19

The cavalry, in particular, were not friendly to the aeroplane, which it was believed, would frighten the horses.
The cavalry, in particular, were not friendly to the aeroplane, which it was believed, would frighten the horses.
 Walter Alexander Raleigh
What until then seemed impossible to achieve has become a fact of life. We have won the right to association in trade unions independent from the authorities, founded and shaped by the working people themselves.
 Lech Walesa
Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed.
 Mwai Kibaki
Savings give you a lot of strength, flexibility and control. They are what give you the most powerful Answer In The World.
 Patrick Bet-David
Nothing is so powerful as an insight into human nature... what compulsions drive a man, what instincts dominate his action. If you know these things abut a person, you can touch him at the core of his being.
 William Bernbach
Being athletic and fit is very sexy in my opinion! I am not a fan of the heroin chick model look. I think girls should be able to watch a game and then go out and play it.
 Katie Cleary
Slow is fast, gentle is powerful and stillness moves mountains
 Martha Beck
A woman cannot be herself in the society of the present day, which is an exclusively masculine society, with laws framed by men and with a judicial system that judges feminine conduct from a masculine point of view.
 Henrik Ibsen
Though I have many words, What woman's satisfied, I am no longer faint Because at her side? O who could have foretold That the heart grows old?
If you put that effort in, you’ll get what you want.
If you put that effort in, you’ll get what you want.
 Kim Kardashian
I'm confident in my ability to maintain a career. I don't know if it will be doing either independent films or plays in New England.
 Randy Harrison
Power is given only to those who dare to lower themselves and pick it up. Only one thing matters, one thing; to be able to dare!
The left are afraid of independent thinkers. They are afraid of people who are able to reason and think on their own.
Amazing, powerful, inspirational - those adjectives might make me sound like a fawning fan, but REWORK is that useful. Be prepared for a new feeling of clarity and motivation.
 Kathy Sierra
When I go home to Santa Cruz, I'm the same girl as when I grew up.
 Marisa Miller
Everything today is "transient." Technology and its ability to empower actors large and small evolve so quickly that we have to get used to living in a world that exists in a more or less constant state of flux.
 Ian Bremmer
We do not need ACTS but Action.
While I was girl of the year and superstar and all that crap, everything I did was really...motivated by psychological disturbance.
 Edie Sedgwick
A lot of the girls were awful, very catty. It was a competitive environment that I didn\'t like. You have no idea of the anorexia I saw around me.
A lot of the girls were awful, very catty. It was a competitive environment that I didn't like. You have no idea of the anorexia I saw around me.
 Kate Winslet
The pressure of adversity is the most powerful sustainer of accountability. It's as though everything you do is multiplied by 50 in order to surpass those with a head-start. I was never capable of slacking when at the threshold of failure.