Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 15

We must be careful not to confuse data with the abstractions we use to analyse them.
We must be careful not to confuse data with the abstractions we use to analyse them.
By any sane definition of success, if you wake up in a pool of blood and nobody has shot you, you are not successful.
 Arianna Huffington
Easy way to make someone sound less powerful, just put DJ in front of their name... ..DJ Abraham Lincoln
 Demetri Martin
Those that have so much power over others as to be able to oppress them have seldom so much over themselves as not to oppress.
 Matthew Henry
She's the sort of woman who lives for others - you can tell the others by their hunted expression.
There's a powerful transformative effect when you surround yourself with like-minded people. Peer pressure is a great thing when it helps you accomplish your goals instead of distracting you from them.
 Po Bronson
Watercolour could have been used more by the modernists. It is so direct, and when the white paper convention is accepted, so powerful, even brutal, that it would seem an ideal medium.
 David Milne
You know, honestly, acting in film is remarkably independent. You're doing your thing and someone else is doing their thing.
 Josh Hartnett
Many men have been capable of doing a wise thing, more a cunning thing, but very few a generous thing.
John and I were lucky because our mother was a strong woman with high expectations and a strong sense of values. She encouraged us to pursue things we were interested in and not think about what other people wanted us to do.
John and I were lucky because our mother was a strong woman with high expectations and a strong sense of values. She encouraged us to pursue things we were interested in and not think about what other people wanted us to do.
 Caroline Kennedy
Power, in a nutshell, is the ability to get things done, and politics is the ability to decide which things need to be done.
 Zygmunt Bauman
Oh- my twitchy witchy girl I think you are so nice, I give you bowls of porridge And I give you bowls of ice Cream. I give you lots of kisses, And I give lots of hugs, But I never give you sandwiches With bugs In.
I've always giggled like a 13-year-old girl at a Justin Bieber meet and greet. There's nothing I can do about it but I've never not been able to stop.
 Anderson Cooper
Africans require, want, the franchise on the basis of one man one vote. They want political independence.
I doubt whether any girl would be satisfied with her lover's mind if she knew the whole of it.
 Anthony Trollope
Liberal moms like soccer because it's a sport in which athletic talent finds so little expression that girls can play with boys. No serious sport is co-ed, even at the kindergarten level.
I was lucky enough to come in at the beginning of the independent film movement, and it's really shaped my life and my career.
 Julianne Moore
Your mother doesn't own you. Your father doesn't own you. You own you.
 Laura Schlessinger
I have a lot of very, very powerful women in my life. My mother being the first.
I have a lot of very, very powerful women in my life. My mother being the first.
 Giancarlo Esposito
I didn't have the same fitness or ability as the other girls, so I had to beat them with my mind.
 Martina Hingis