Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 135

Words empower us, move us beyond our suffering, and set us free.
Words empower us, move us beyond our suffering, and set us free.
Acting never was about the money for me... Maybe in 10 years, I'll be able to appreciate the fact that I am financially stable and independent and I don't have to make bad choices. I can be very picky.
 Emma Watson
A mother’s love is stronger than distance, more powerful than time and can transcend the grave.
 Tyler Perry
I got a part as a chorus girl in a show called Every Sailor and I had fun doing it. Mother didn't really approve of it, through.
 James Cagney
When two people respect each other, the ability to be vulnerable and to reveal hurt feelings can create a powerful emotional connection that is the source of real intimacy and friendship.
 David D. Burns
I suddenly discovered that acting made girls notice me.
 Ted Lange
You feel like a criminal. Knowing you can knock somebody out and know you can put somebody in a temporary coma, that's what you want to go for. It shows how strong, how powerful a person can be to be able to do that.
 Henry Cejudo
The endless newsreel clips of nuclear explosions that we saw on TV in the 1960s (were) a powerful incitement to the psychotic imagination, sanctioning *everything*.
 J. G. Ballard
I grew up in London. My parents and I lived in West Norwood, then we moved to Norbury, and I went to the Brit School. I'm a South London girl at heart.
 Ashley Madekwe
I\'m free of an abusive cult, based on money and power that worships a fictional deity and safely back with the Catholic Church.
I'm free of an abusive cult, based on money and power that worships a fictional deity and safely back with the Catholic Church.
 Katie Holmes
There is thus little or no ability for an internet user to know when they are being covertly propagandized by their government, which is precisely what makes it so appealing to intelligence agencies, so powerful, and so dangerous.
 Glenn Greenwald
I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet.
 Susan B. Anthony
The problem isn't the abuse of power; it's the power to abuse.
 Mike Cloud
An angry enemy encroached on our lives, our territory, our freedom and our independence.
 Petro Poroshenko
When I'm single, I'm this fabulous, independent, confident woman, and then I get involved with one disastrous man after another and I turn into this needy, insecure, fearful girl who becomes frightened of her own shadow.
 Jane Green
As it must not, so genius cannot be lawless; for it is even that constitutes its genius - the power of acting creatively under laws of its own origination.
A man can go from being a lover to being a stranger in three moves flat but a woman under the guise of friendship will engage in acts of duplicity which come to light very much later. There are different species of self-justification.
 Anita Brookner
We are constantly protecting the male ego, and it's a disservice to men. If a man has any sensitivity or intelligence, he wants to get the straight scoop from his girlfriend.
 Betty Dodson
I was shy. Bookish. The kind of 13-year-old girl who, instead of having a boyfriend, would have a crush on a dead, 19th-century author!
I was shy. Bookish. The kind of 13-year-old girl who, instead of having a boyfriend, would have a crush on a dead, 19th-century author!
 Natalie Merchant
Power immobilizes; it freezes with a single gesture-grandiose, terrible, theatrical, or finally, simply monotonous-the variety which is life.
 Octavio Paz