Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 127

Prayer has the power to change mountains into highways.
Prayer has the power to change mountains into highways.
 Wesley L Duewel
I wear boxers all the time. I don't really move like a girl. I mean, unless it's time for me to get dressed or something.
After I became an attorney, the mother of two girls I'd known in high school came to see me. She'd endured years of heinous abuse from her husband that nearly destroyed her. I'd never suspected a thing.
 Harry Reid
She was a girl with a mountain to climb.
No matter how successful I become as a playwright, my mother would be thrilled to hear me tell her that I'd just lost twenty pounds, gotten married and become a lawyer.
 Wendy Wasserstein
Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
 Mary Kay Ash
If you offer me a job sitting in a Winnebago with make-up girls and free food, I'm probably going to take it.
 Ross Kemp
O admirable necessity! O powerful action! What mind can penetrate your nature? What language can express this marvel? None, to be sure. This is where human discourse turns toward the contemplation of the divine.
You bit me? (Stryker) We use what we have. (Zephyra) That’s such a girl move. (Stryker) But it works. Maybe if you fought like a girl and not a stunted baboon, you’d actually win. (Zephyra)
Content-based marketing gets repeated in social media and increases word-of-mouth mentions; it\'s the best way to gather buzz about a product.
Content-based marketing gets repeated in social media and increases word-of-mouth mentions; it's the best way to gather buzz about a product.
 Marsha Collier
I think now that being free is not being powerful or rich or well regarded or without obligation but being able to love. To love someone else enough to forget about yourself even for one moment is to be free.
I saw a girl complaining that the pain of not being seen was unbearable... Now I have perfect understanding. I have already experienced the worst. After this, there is no worse possible thing.
Rulers who destroy men's freedom commonly begin by trying to retain its forms. ... They cherish the illusion that they can combine the prerogatives of absolute power with the moral authority that comes from popular assent.
The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you'll grow out of it.
 Doris Day
Most of the beauty of women evaporates when they achieve domestic happiness at the price of their independence.
 Cyril Connolly
The illusion holds power over you when you are not able to remember that you are a powerful spirit that has taken on the physical experience for the purpose of learning.
For girls, something that accentuates the curves looks sexy. It can be a dress, it can be jeans, it can be a tank top, who cares!
 Brody Jenner
Because I am still a little girl who believes in Santa and the tooth fairy and you.
 Laurie Halse Anderson
This war has been motivated by pride or arrogance, by a desire to control oil wealth, by a desire to implant our programs. (talking about the Iraq war)
This war has been motivated by pride or arrogance, by a desire to control oil wealth, by a desire to implant our programs. (talking about the Iraq war)
Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.