Inspiring Women Empowerment Quotes to Motivate and Empower Women Everywhere - page 113

I have two sisters and a mother, obviously, so I grew up with a household of girls. Maybe I have a greater respect for women because of it.
I have two sisters and a mother, obviously, so I grew up with a household of girls. Maybe I have a greater respect for women because of it.
 Hayden Christensen
Today - wealthier, more powerful and more able than ever before in our history - our Nation can declare another essential freedom.
There is no slave out of heaven like a loving woman; and of all loving women, there is no such slave as a mother.
A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.
 Stanley Kubrick
Ann Romney makes all women proud by the way she has conducted her life as a strong woman of faith, as a mother, as a wife and as a true patriot.
 Nikki Haley
Imagination, which in truth Is but another name for absolute power And clearest insight, amplitude of mind, And reason, in her most exalted mood.
She's the sort of woman now,' said Mould, . . . 'one would almost feel disposed to bury for nothing: and do it neatly, too!
When you're in a broken family and your role model is a violent male, boys grow up believing that's the way they're supposed to act. And girls think that's an accepted way men will treat them.
 Jim Costa
Powerful, emotionally charged and worthy of every accolade the film industry has to offer. OCTOBER BABY will change you ... just open your heart.
 Judie Brown
Your mothers get mighty shocked at you girls nowadays, but in her day, her mother was just on the verge of sending her to reform school.
Your mothers get mighty shocked at you girls nowadays, but in her day, her mother was just on the verge of sending her to reform school.
French women have been made beautiful by the French people - they're very aware of their bodies, the way they move and speak, they're very confident of their sexuality. French society's made them like that
 Charlotte Rampling
It's really a great luxury to have, to be able to go from big films to indie films, too. Because I'm on the job learning as an actor, and independent films is where I'm learning to act.
 Dave Bautista
Those philosophers who believe in the absolute logic of truth have never had to discuss it on close terms with a woman.
 Cesare Pavese
The nation-state became powerful in the wake of the French Revolution, whereas the nation-state has become powerless in light of globalization.
 Grace Lee Boggs
We would, however, perform an injustice to the bourgeois women's rights movement if we would regard it as solely motivated by economics. No, this movement also contains a more profound spiritual and moral aspect.
 Clara Zetkin
Here she is, her mum said, cooing at the baby, my special girl. Oh, cheers, Valkyrie said, rolling her eyes.
 Derek Landy
Look at the parts the Oscar-nominated actresses played this year: hooker, hooker, hooker, hooker, and nun.
 Nora Ephron
Time is the most valuable thing on earth: time to think, time to act, time to extend our fraternal relations, time to become better men, time to become better women, time to become better and more independent citizens.
 Samuel Gompers
It wasn\'t my intention in going after this part but I suppose now I do. The adult roles are a lot meatier - you\'re not always just the daughter or the girlfriend or whatever.
It wasn't my intention in going after this part but I suppose now I do. The adult roles are a lot meatier - you're not always just the daughter or the girlfriend or whatever.
 Emmy Rossum
Some day we hope to liberate every man on earth from the tendency as old as human history to identify our strength and manhood with the ability to control the lives, limit the chances, and doom the dreams of women and girls.