Women and men grow up with ...

Women and men grow up with both sexes. Our mothers and fathers mean a lot to us, so it's just a question of finding a balance between their influences. I've found mine. And it tends to be more on the male side. I mean male side the way we understand it in the West.
 Grace Jones

Quotes from the same author

There're lots of musicians in my family, too. My mother sings incredibly well. I've got to make a record with my mother's voice on it. She sings a lyric soprano. We do the opposite. I'm a baritone. She's a star singer in her church. She always does her solo.
 Grace Jones
My husband used to shout at my mother, 'What is wrong with your daughter? I'm married to a man.'
 Grace Jones
My mother was a champion high-jumper. My three brothers are basketball players. We've all been very athletic.
 Grace Jones
Crying is not a weakness. It's something that should be able to work for you. It should also be a strength. I think if you can cry when you feel like crying it's a strength. If you feel like crying and you can't cry, that's a weakness. That means you're holding all that stuff inside.
 Grace Jones
Everyone has to make their own decisions. I still believe in that. You just have to be able to accept the consequences without complaining.
 Grace Jones