With the risk of being ...

With the risk of being accused of quoting the wrong person I can say that [Adolf] Hitler wrote that "the more the press attacks a person the closer he is to us".
 Varg Vikernes

Quotes from the same author

My musical ambitions are not that great. I make music I like, and thankfully - for my ability to make an (fairly...) honest living - at least some others like the music too.
 Varg Vikernes
I don't make music for any other reason than me enjoying music, and I am also glad that I am able to make a living of this.
 Varg Vikernes
Our nations are run by absolute worthless scum, our streets are taken over by sub-humans, the food we eat and the water we drink contains poison, our cultures are systematically replaced by "anti-culture", history is a big lie, et cetera et cetera. Of all the options I chose to start this blog, to spread dissent, to tell others - yes Burzum fans too - that there is an alternative to all of this.
 Varg Vikernes
If I had the money I'd pay people to have them read accurate books or posts about our own religion. It is very important not only for their self-image, but also for the future of Europe - as a biological term.
 Varg Vikernes
I'd say the modern world has moved yet further away from me, and I don't think whether or not I am incarcerated has had much to say in this context. Living with your family changes you, for the better, and that would be the reason for the accelerated growth in the post-prison period, so to say.
 Varg Vikernes