Wisdom Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective - page 94

Acknowledge that a more closely integrated Europe is no longer an unqualified American interest.
Acknowledge that a more closely integrated Europe is no longer an unqualified American interest.
 Richard Perle
Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching.
 Satchel Paige
This is the final test of a gentleman: his respect for those who can be of no possible value to him.
 William Lyon Phelps
You can choose to acknowledge that some of your old beliefs about God and about Life are no longer working.
Enslave the liberty of but one human being and the liberties of the world are put in peril.
 William Lloyd Garrison
Men almost universally have acknowledged providence, but that fact has had no force to destroy natural aversions and fears in the presence of events.
The most interesting things in life happen just on the other side of your comfort zone.
 Michael Hyatt
If we had a better understanding of the ways we think about enemies, we might be able to think of more rational ways of settling conflict.
 Sam Keen
Happiness is dealing with setbacks with more grace, understanding and acceptance
 Arianna Huffington
Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn\'t be done.
Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done.
 Amelia Earhart
Fred Hoyle and I differ on lots of questions, but on this we agree: a common sense and satisfying interpretation of our world suggests the designing hand of a superintelligence.
 Owen Gingerich
Scientific knowledge is a body of statements of varying degrees of certainty -- some most unsure, some nearly sure, none absolutely certain.
 Richard P. Feynman
If it was wise, manly, and patriotic for us to establish a free government, it is equally wise to attend to the necessary means of its preservation.
 James Monroe
To a superior race of being the pretensions of mankind to extraordinary sanctity and virtue must seem... ridiculous.
Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do; give it to what you do or fail to do.
To be able to look back upon ones life in satisfaction, is to live twice.
Memory is the mother of all wisdom.
The highest and most precious treasure we receive of God is, that we can speak, hear, see, etc.; but how few acknowledge these as God's special gifts, much less give God thanks for them.
Transient are conditioned things. Try to accomplish your aim with diligence.
Transient are conditioned things. Try to accomplish your aim with diligence.
The wise man is satisfied with nothing.
 William Godwin