Wisdom Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective - page 157

It was my teacher\'s genius, her quick sympathy, her loving tact which made the first years of my education so beautiful. It was because she seized the right moment to impart knowledge that made it so pleasant and acceptable to me.
It was my teacher's genius, her quick sympathy, her loving tact which made the first years of my education so beautiful. It was because she seized the right moment to impart knowledge that made it so pleasant and acceptable to me.
The opportunity for brotherhood presents itself every time you meet a human being.
 Jane Wyman
If you don't cherish past experiences, you cannot learn from them and you cannot move on.
 Hannah Peel
Rain is also very difficult to film, particularly in Ireland because it's quite fine, so fine that the Irish don't even acknowledge that it exists.
 Alan Parker
Our faith gives us knowledge of something better.
 E. F. Schumacher
Wonder is not a Pollyanna stance, not a denial of reality; wonder is an acknowledgement of the power of the mind to transform, to notice, to decide what experience shall mean.
 Christina Baldwin
The worst pain in our lives comes from the mistakes we refuse to acknowledge--the things we've done that are so our of harmony with who we are that we can't bear to look at them.
 John Verdon
Knowledge is the ability to love, the ability to feel, the ability to probe the depths and the heights of life. It is the experience of the experiencer, and at the same time, it is beyond that.
To study the abnormal is the best way of understanding the normal.
Acknowledge all man as fellow creation, but don\'t follow him.
Acknowledge all man as fellow creation, but don't follow him.
All of us make mistakes. The key is to acknowledge them, learn, and move on. The real sin is ignoring mistakes, or worse, seeking to hide them.
 Robert Zoellick
We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, which we, from time to time, most grievously have committed, by thought, word and deed.
 Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
Nobody's ever made me feel boring but I'm pretty boring. I acknowledge that in myself.
 Mandy Moore
Criticizing others is a dangerous thing, not so much because you may make mistakes about them, but because you may be revealing the truth about yourself.
 Harold Medina
One doesn't stop seeing. One doesn't stop framing. It doesn't turn off and turn on. It's on all the time.
 Annie Leibovitz
Men and women who refuse to acknowledge God's existence do so, in the final analysis, because it is contrary to their manner of living. They do not want to bow to the moral claims of a holy God on their lives.
The wise man admires water, the kind man admires mountains. The wise man moves, the kind man rests. The wise man is happy, the kind man is firm.
Remember that in all miseries lamenting becomes fools, and action, wise folk.
 Philip Sidney
He who is contented is rich.
He who is contented is rich.
must acknowledge, that to act properly is much more valuable than to think justly or reason acutely.
 Thomas Reid