Wisdom Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective - page 104

You can\'t shake hands with a clenched fist.
You can't shake hands with a clenched fist.
He that useth his reason doth acknowledge God.
 Benjamin Whichcote
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.
A warrior doesn't know remorse for anything he has done, because to isolate one's acts as being mean, or ugly, or evil is to place an unwarranted importance on the self.
What you think you become.
A boat is safe in the harbor. But this is not the purpose of a boat.
I am more convinced everyday that without a single exception I did right. And I have always believed that, as I have acted honestly, the time will come when the people of Canada will see and acknowledge it.
 Louis Riel
Only the shallow know themselves.
Science provides an understanding of a universal experience, and arts provides a universal understanding of a personal experience.
 Mae Jemison
We are all born into the world with nothing. Everything we acquire after that is profit.
We are all born into the world with nothing. Everything we acquire after that is profit.
 Sam Ewing
Intelligence is predatory, but full of fastidiousness and frights.
Wisdom is the daughter of experience
Why do I write? I write because I have to, because it is all I know, because it is my truth, because I am compelled, because I am driven to make the world acknowledge that women like me exist, and we possess a dangerous wisdom.
 Patrick Califia
As the Prussian historian Treitschke later complained, the proponents of free trade in Hamburg had 'in German fashion made out of necessity not just a virtue but a theory'.
 Richard J. Evans
It is time to put in place tough, new common-sense rules of the road so that our financial market rewards drive and innovation, and punishes short-cuts and abuse.
He who gives up shyness in monetary dealings, in acquiring knowledge, in eating and in business, becomes happy.
It must be hard being you, she said. Mr. Perfect on the outside. Dr. Evil on the inside. It’s not that hard. The rest of the world isn’t as insightful as you.
 Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Daumier paints with an enormous capacity for absolute empathy; a complete identification of himself with the figures he paints. He sets forth what it feels like to do something; not what somebody looks like doing it.
 David Sylvester
We all grow up. Hopefully, we get wiser. Age brings wisdom, and fatherhood changes one\'s life completely.
We all grow up. Hopefully, we get wiser. Age brings wisdom, and fatherhood changes one's life completely.
 Frank Abagnale
Celebrate what you want to see more of.
 Tom Peters