Wisdom Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective - page 101

The civil rights movement is understanding your freedom under the Constitution of these United States and if anyone tries to take those freedoms from you, you better rise up and fight and that\'s what we\'re doing together.
The civil rights movement is understanding your freedom under the Constitution of these United States and if anyone tries to take those freedoms from you, you better rise up and fight and that's what we're doing together.
 Ken Hutcherson
Recognize that there will be failures, and acknowledge that there will be obstacles. But you will learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others, for there is very little learning in success.
 Michael Dell
Nature is made in such a way as to be able to be understood. Or perhaps I should put it-more correctly-the other way around, and say that we are made in such a way as to be able to understand Nature.
 Werner Heisenberg
When we examine the opinions of men, we find that nothing is more uncommon, than common sense; or, in other words, they lack judgment to discover plain truths, or to reject absurdities, and palpable contradictions.
 Baron d'Holbach
To give oneself earnestly to the duties due to men, and, while respecting spiritual beings, to keep aloof from them, may be called wisdom.
As long as acquiring knowledge is the educational goal of schools, educational opportunities will be limited, as they are now, to affluent families.
 William Glasser
A Keyring? Achievements? These are not WoW-specific things. They are common sense. They exist in the real world.
 David Allen
The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man.
Being a good television screenwriter requires an understanding of the way film accelerates the communication of words.
 Steven Bochco
The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.
The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.
We do not place especial value on the possession of a virtue until we notice its total absence in our opponent.
Divinity lies all around us, but society remains too hidebound to accept that fact...The mother sea and the fountain-head of all religions lies in the mystical experiences of the individual.
Sincerity is the way of Heaven. The attainment of sincerity is the way of men.
Before man can be free, and equal, and truly wise, he must cast aside the chains of habit and superstition; he must strip sensuality of its pomp, and selfishness of its excuses, and contemplate actions and objects as they really are.
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
He uses common sense to judge not the intentions of an action but its consequences.
The glory of riches and of beauty is frail and transitory; virtue remains bright and eternal. [Lat., Divitarum et formae gloria fluxa atque fragilis; virtus clara aeternaque habetur.]
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?
All that is gold does not glitter.
All that is gold does not glitter.
Abandon knowledge and your worries are over.