Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 70

No created mind, no created heart, no human force is capable of knowing how much love the Heart of Mary had for the Lord.
No created mind, no created heart, no human force is capable of knowing how much love the Heart of Mary had for the Lord.
 St. Jerome
I know I'm never going to be as successful as my dad, but I get bored doing nothing. I couldn't go from vacation to vacation and have no motivation.
 Tamara Ecclestone
I think there's a limited amount of planning you can do, at least in the position I'm in. Maybe more successful actors can plan more than I'm able to.
 Christian Bale
By ahimsa we will be able to save the cow and also win the friendship of the English.
If you can achieve winning a league championship, that, to me, is the full test of the team and management because it is over the full season and you have a lot of problems you have to overcome.
 Walter Smith
Wine rejoices the heart of man and joy is the mother of all virtues.
Motherhood is given the brush-off in our society. 'Oh, I'm just a mom,' you hear women say. 'Just' a mom? Please! Being a mom is everything. It's mentorship, it's inspirational, it's our hope for the future.
 Sally Field
But I will win and give her my spirit, because this is the way a mother loves her daughter. -Ying Ying
When you grow up", I said, "do you ever stop feeling little and weak?" "No," she says. "There's always a little frail and tiny thing inside, no matter how grown-up you are.
 David Almond
Save the Children is often told that its aims are impossible - that there has always been child suffering and there always will be. We know. It\'s impossible only if we make it so. It\'s impossible only if we refuse to attempt it.
Save the Children is often told that its aims are impossible - that there has always been child suffering and there always will be. We know. It's impossible only if we make it so. It's impossible only if we refuse to attempt it.
 Eglantyne Jebb
I do not think Syria can achieve international recognition in the future - even if they work through a successful political process, you know, the international community simply is not going to accept a Syria led by the Assad regime.
 Rex W. Tillerson
If you focus on the obstacles, then you give them more power. Instead focus on your purpose, on your most authentic and fundamental intentions.
 Ralph Marston
I will do my best, and I promise I will give this guy a fight, and I have to win this fight.
 Manny Pacquiao
I feel true success comes from being able to work and the love for it.
 Kiana Tom
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
Think about winning the day... if you are worried about the mountain in the distance, you might trip over the molehill right in front of you.
 Drew Brees
On sheer ability, Mario is good enough to win scoring titles with a broken stick. On pure talent, he's the best there is. But Wayne almost never disappoints you. He comes to work every night.
 Bobby Orr
When she looked in the mirror these days, she saw someone she didn't recognize...She saw an old woman trying to be beautiful, her skin dry and her wrinkles like cracks. She looked like a very well-dressed winter apple.
 Sarah Addison Allen
There will come a point in everyone\'s life , however, where only intuition can make the leap ahead, without ever knowing precisely how. One can never know why but one must accept intuition as a fact.
There will come a point in everyone's life , however, where only intuition can make the leap ahead, without ever knowing precisely how. One can never know why but one must accept intuition as a fact.
Success... it's what you do with what you've got.
 Leroy van Dyke