Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 64

So this is how a person can come to despise himself-knowing he\'s doing the wrong thing and not being able to stop.
So this is how a person can come to despise himself-knowing he's doing the wrong thing and not being able to stop.
 Daniel Keyes
He who loves not women, wine, and song Remains a fool his whole life long.
Successful people don’t wait for everything to be perfect to move forward.
I'm not gonna box Ruiz...I don't box, I knock holes through people. I'm gonna cut Ruiz up. I'm gonna butcher him. He ain't gonna last five rounds. Either he winds up on the canvas or in the hospital. It's his choice.
 James Toney
Part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.
Christmas to me is very much about family and the depths of winter.
 Ian Astbury
How remarkable we are in our ability to hide things from ourselves - our conscious minds only a small portion of our actual minds, jellyfish floating on a vast dark sea of knowing and deciding.
 Andrew Sean Greer
Early in April, as I was vigorously hoeing in a corner, I unearthed a huge toad, to my perfect delight and satisfaction; he had lived all winter, he had doubtless fed on slugs all the autumn. I could have kissed him on the spot.
 Celia Thaxter
Unless you choose to take action on what you want, nothing is ever going to come out of it.
That\'s the mentality - don\'t just play it, win it.
That's the mentality - don't just play it, win it.
 Luis Suarez
There is no possible negotiation with these killers. Our aim is to win over terrorism. Only by being firm we can stop terrorism. We must be firm fighting the terrorists and opposing the final aims they want to achieve.
 Jose Maria Aznar
Guts win more games than ability.
 Robert Zuppke
Waiting makes wine better; but waiting makes man decay! Don't wait because you have no time! Move fast!
Frienship is eros...without wings
Many hands and hearts and minds generally contribute to anyone's notable achievements.
Continue to reinvent. Keep things moving and changing and growing and always a little bit out of reach.
 Jad Abumrad
Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore.
Every time a player goes out there, at least 20 people have some amount of influence on him. His mother has more influence than anyone. I know because I played, and I loved my mama.
 Bear Bryant
On winning Literature Nobel Prize: I was actually in the street. Yes, I was in the street. It was my daughter who notified me.
On winning Literature Nobel Prize: I was actually in the street. Yes, I was in the street. It was my daughter who notified me.
 Patrick Modiano
I am succeeding quite well in my work and the future looks well. What special mission is God preparing me for? Cutting off all earthly ties and isolating me as it were.
 Ellen Swallow Richards