Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 34

I think people need to know that there\'s great peace and joy in knowing the Lord - the Lord Jesus Christ - as your savior.
I think people need to know that there's great peace and joy in knowing the Lord - the Lord Jesus Christ - as your savior.
 Tammy Faye Bakker
Success doesn't come to you, you go to it.
 Marva Collins
You can only look forward to a South Dakota winter if, as with childbirth, remodeling a house, or writing a novel, you're able to forget how bad it was the last time.
 Dan O'Brien
Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.
Whoever is capable of knowing when they have had enough will always be satisfied.
You are successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal.
 Chester Carlson
I want to show that the underdog can win. I believe were all the same: you, a slum girl, my mother.
 Vikas Swarup
My sons are my proudest 'accomplishments' in life and I get energised seeing their individual personalities develop as they grow up.
 Azran Osman Rani
You do not need to look or be anorexic to be successful in Hollywood. The range of what's acceptable is a lot larger than what people believe.
 Zooey Deschanel
Earth, the mother of all, Moves on her stedfast way, Gathering, flinging, sowing. Mortals, we live in her day, She in her children is growing.
Earth, the mother of all, Moves on her stedfast way, Gathering, flinging, sowing. Mortals, we live in her day, She in her children is growing.
 George Meredith
An agreeable figure and winning manner, which inspire affection without love, are always new. Beauty loses its relish, the graces never, after the longest acquaintance, they are no less agreeable than at first.
 Henry Home, Lord Kames
I loved my family so much when I was growing up, my parents, my sister. I wanted to be able to give them everything they ever dreamed of.
 Andrew Dice Clay
Our hours in love have wings; in absence, crutches.
To be able to have winning in your blood growing up, whether it was pounding my little brother or trying to beat my dad in something, or just competing on teams with my friends, it was nonstop.
 Jordan Spieth
Successful people move on their own initiative but they know where they are going before they start.
Where do I get my seriousness? You can't help but grow up fast when your parents get divorced. You see your mother go to get food stamps and she's making fifty dollars too much to get them, with four kids to support.
 Tom Cruise
The most successful career must show a waste of strength that might have removed mountains, and the most unsuccessful is not that of the man who is taken unprepared, but of him who has prepared and is never taken.
Losing a family member, and her dying knowing she didn't have to die, a scar that will last forever for the people remaining, and even with good actions and good words, that scar will never disappear. Ever.
 Kim Du-han
I\'m a Buffalo wing magnet, a sandwich fanatic, a cheesesteak guy. But I\'ll only get a cheesesteak in Philadelphia. No one else does it right.
I'm a Buffalo wing magnet, a sandwich fanatic, a cheesesteak guy. But I'll only get a cheesesteak in Philadelphia. No one else does it right.
 Kevin Hart
You collect as much information as you can and then you put it into the mulberry of your mind and hope that you come up with a decent wine. Sometimes you do; sometimes you don't.
 John Hurt