Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 30

Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist.
Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist.
 Harold Lewis
Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners.
Chess is a sport. The main object in the game of chess remains the achievement of victory.
 Max Euwe
I don't think that Slaughterhouse-Five was successful movie material. In fact, Vonnegut's books mostly I don't feel are movie material.
 Jerry Garcia
If you wish to be a writer, write.
We shall not fail - if we stand firm, we shall not fail. Wise counsels may accelerate, or mistakes delay it, but, sooner or later, the victory is sure to come.
When I was growing up, my mother would take me to plays and museums, and we'd talk about life. Those times helped shape who I became.
 Jill Scott
I will totally accept the results [of Election 2016] if I win.
I think she is growing up, and so begins to dream dreams, and have hopes and fears and fidgets, without knowing why or being able to explain them.
 Louisa May Alcott
O\'er the rugged mountain\'s brow Clara threw the twins she nursed, And remarked,\'I wonder now Which will reach the bottom first?
O'er the rugged mountain's brow Clara threw the twins she nursed, And remarked,'I wonder now Which will reach the bottom first?
 Harry Graham
There is a huge body of business evidence now showing that energy savings give better service at lower cost with higher profit. We have to tear down barriers to successful markets and we have to create incentives to enter them.
I've heard other gay people say when they were growing up they felt 'foreign.' Growing up, I was able to label these feelings as: 'I'm a Protestant.' It wasn't until I left, I thought: 'Oh, those weren't Protestant feelings.'
 Graham Norton
I think if you're able to make the music you want and you can do it in the right kind of context, you don't have to be a circus ringleader to be successful.
 James Iha
Courage faces fear and thereby masters it
No viticultural region in America has demonstrated as much progress in quality and potential for greatness as... the Santa Barbara region, where the Burgundian varietals Chardonnay and Pinot Noir are planted in its cooler climates.
 Robert M. Parker, Jr.
My only regret in life is that I did not drink more wine.
Eros seizes and shakes my very soul like the wind on the mountain shaking ancient oaks.
My point is, if we respect the winner and approach that person, have access to that person and that person will look at what we are presenting, that is not too bad.
 Jim Brown
The decisions that you make each day can actually catapult you to that next level of achievement.
The decisions that you make each day can actually catapult you to that next level of achievement.
 Robert G. Allen
The winter passes and the warm winds of May made me long to wander again. The whistling of a locomotive on a still night had a lure, unexplainable, yet strong, like the light which leads a moth to destruction.
 Jim Tully