Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 198

The mother is the one supreme asset of national life; she is more important by far than the successful statesman, or business man, or artist, or scientist.
The mother is the one supreme asset of national life; she is more important by far than the successful statesman, or business man, or artist, or scientist.
Always be eager to learn, no matter how successful you might already be. In the Millionaires' Club, we sometimes invite a billionaire to come talk to us. He says, 'You're doing okay, but come on. How about if you really poured it on!'
It's pretty cool to be able to hang out with the President and have the race-winning car on the South Lawn.
 Buddy Rice
The Midwest breeds funny, eccentric people, to varying degrees. You play shows not because you're expecting to get a record deal, but to do something fun outside of mowing lawns. Everything else is just gravy... Or mustard.
 Patrick Carney
My mother had a radio show - a Barbara Walters type of gal and was very successful for about 20-some years on a radio station.
 Jonathan Winters
My daughters have grown up knowing all about my kidnapping and the case and what happened.
 Patty Hearst
To freeze time, to hold on to youth, this business makes no sense. It's always time that wins in the end.
 Robert Doisneau
I simply don't accept losing well. I just feel whatever it takes to win, you have to do it.
 Ed Belfour
Like so many other kids with special needs, I have been bullied. Kids in elementary school made me eat sand, and those same boys would walk behind me, teasing me. Finally I had enough, and I told them to grow up.
 Lauren Potter
To win men to acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord is the only reason Christians are left in this world.
To win men to acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord is the only reason Christians are left in this world.
 R. A. Torrey
Undoubtedly, prayer requires a living faith in God. Successful satyagraha is inconceivable without that faith.
I think that the Democrats can be successful nationally in the future if we are able to capture some of the complexity of people's lives right now.
I've never been in a place where winning has hurt the ability to do anything.
 Rahm Emanuel
Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield,But to my own strength. Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved,But for the patience to win my freedom.
Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.
 Rudy Giuliani
The day cold and fair with a high easterly wind: we were visited by two Indians who gave us an account of the country and people near the Rocky mountains where they had been.
 Meriwether Lewis
The wind kicks in stronger, branches clatter. Or maybe skeletons. Bones of abandonment. Ghosts that will never be.
 Ellen Hopkins
We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium.
A warrior\'s mission is to foster the success of others.
A warrior's mission is to foster the success of others.
 Morihei Ueshiba
When you're in a broken family and your role model is a violent male, boys grow up believing that's the way they're supposed to act. And girls think that's an accepted way men will treat them.
 Jim Costa